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Laptop screen too bright

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I recently obtained a laptop with XP which I have loaded Starry Night Pro 5. Whilst I am able to change the screen to 'red' in Starry Night it is still far too bright when I use it in the field. I am sure that the astro imagers amongst you have experience this situation and I am sure have resolved it. I thought about placing a piece of red cellophane over the screen. However, any advice would be appreciated.


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Thanks Guys I will start by reducing the brightness level to see the improvement but I will also get some primary red cellophane - thanks Steve for the link :). I know some of you are coming to Herefordshire in 4 weeks time :) - and I will meet up with you then.



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Hi Mark,

I bought this for my Vixen starbook as it is recommended not to buy coloured material (ie red) for this product as it mucks up the colours too much.


It is very dark, initially I thought way too dark, but it works a treat on the starbook, colours are correct but the brightness adequately subdued so as not to affect my night vision.

After chopping it up I had some left over which, when I got my netbook, I am using on that to great effect.


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