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ES AR152 electric focuser mod?


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Does anybody have done a focuser mod to use standard electric focuser on this original AR152 focuser?

I am your classic -do-not-have-enough-cash-to-spend-type, but I am a good DIYer.

I do not have for example the Skywatcher standard electric focuser and cannot know if I can adapt it to AR152.

Does anyone know or done it?



Edited by astrorg
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Hi Mauro
Not exactly sure what you are asking for:
I have used a cheap "Skywatcher" 12V DC gearbox motor on both my FT focusers. 2.5" and 3.5" Driven by a 12V DC supply and controlled [on screen] by a HitecAstro box. Belt drive to the fast focus knob. Allows the belt to slip when you need to refocus over a long distance. Adjustable in steps or continuous. Fast or slow. The motor comes with brackets for mounting. Your task is to attach the motor bracket to the focuser of choice. I made a black, clamping plate for the area just behind the focusing knob. My material for the clamping plate was was a black plastic, kitchen cutting board.

P1460740 focuser crop.JPG

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