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Wolf-Rayet star WR134 & nebula - "When you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you"

Herbert West

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This is the weird and wonderful oxygen nebula around WR134 - a huge and extremely bright Wolf-Rayet star in Cygnus.









Imaged from my backyard in rural Poland, Bortle 4 in July.

Ha- 63 x 300s.

OIII- 175 x 300s.



Telescope: SkyWatcher Maksutov-Newtonian MN190, 190/1000 mm

Camera: ASI1600MMP,

Filters: Baader Ha 7nm, Antlia OIII 3nm,

Mount: SkyWatcher EQ6PRO

Guider: SvBony 240mm, ASI120MM mini,

Other stuff: ZWO EFW, ZWO EAF, ASIAir V1


Processed and stretched in Pixinsight. Channels combined in Photoshop with some additional color & saturation work.

Pseudo-RGB stars are made from HOO (R=Ha, G=.8xO+.2xHa, B=O) + PCC + some color tweaks.

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2 hours ago, SpookyKatt said:

Love that colour combination.

Thank you. Channels were combined in Photoshop after coloring them with a simple gradient map and tweaking a bit with levels. This method is extremely elastic, although I've not done much further work on colors- what I got was magenta/violet/pink with some splashes of red and it looked ok as it was.

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