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Brief narrowband Rosette


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Wasn't expecting to get anything done last night, forecast to be cloudy by 9.00pm. Cloud and mist was descending just half a mile to the west of us but it sayed clear until around 10.00.

I took this really to try out my FSQ and QSI with a view to a project next winter (weather permitting). Pretty surprised by the results really. The Rosette really was sinking into the murk

Ha 5x400 secs

OIII 6x400

SII 7x400

all unbinned. 2 hours total exposure time 33 minutes Ha. The short sub length was chosen as optimal based on measurement of background skyglow.

Tak FSQ 106 and QSI 532. Captured and combined in maxim. Channels scaled and combined in maxim after DDP. Finished in PS. I haven't calibrated the images at all.

The colour has been mapped to the SII Ha OIII RGB. I've also added the 33min Ha.

Looking forward to doing more on this next year



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Very nice, I really like to see images with the different colour mappings.

How did you go about doing this:

"The short sub length was chosen as optimal based on measurement of background skyglow"

I never know wheather I am shooting my subs for too long!


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I have never really been a fan of the Hubble Palette, but when you see images like this and Eddie's of the same target, its easy to see why they go for that.

Gorgeous image Martin.

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Thanks again guys. I've always struggled to get SII data before and was surprised to get useable stuff with under an hour of exposure. Definitely going to be doing more narrow band this Summer esp if my obsy gets sorted - M16 Pelican NA neb, close up with LX200 and wider with Tak.

After a couple of reasonable sessions I can feel the enthusiasm seeping back into me!

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