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Opened the all aluminium solar observatory at 12.30pm today and the OTA of my 150mm Ha telescope was almost too hot to touch.  😱

Despite this, the views were quite reasonable, left the shutters open to let the breeze filter through and the temperature soon dropped.   No problems in the larger observatory buildings.    🙂

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Tips from Texas for solar observing in extreme heat:

  • Wear a wide brimmed, ventilated hiking hat to avoid sunburn on the head while avoiding cooking your brain.
  • Put a large box fan blowing on high across your body at 90 degrees to the direction of the scope.
  • Wear shorts and a T-shirt or very light fabric, full covering clothes that breathe well.

I can manage about 20 to 30 minutes at noon solar observing in 95+ F heat before I need a break in the A/C to get water, cool off, and to avoid sunburning my arms and legs.  If you don't have A/C, I recommend placing cold/damp washcloths on your head to cool off your brain to avoid heatstroke.  You can keep them on your head under your hat when you go back out, at least until they warm up to ambient temperature, then remove them because they then impede evaporative cooling.  Cool/damp cloths around your neck can also help as well.

The key thing is to listen to your body.  If you start feeling woozy or lightheaded, start cooling off immediately.  Your brain does not like overheating and needs to be cooled immediately to avoid passing out.  It generally shuts down first in my experience.  Laying flat on the floor can ease the strain on your heart and allow blood to flow through your brain more easily to cool it.  If you can't get inside for whatever reason, find shade ASAP, lay down, and call for help if someone is in earshot.

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