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Another Elephant's Trunk Nebula


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This is 270 minutes of integration made up of 60 mins from last year with the RASA8/QNY268c/NBX filter and 210 mins from this year with the NBX replaced with the NBZ filter. Calibrated and stacked in APP, processed in StarTools, PI and AP. There was enough data to attempt the creation of a new blue channel from the red and green to produce a pseudo HST palette. I'm not sure about the lighter band across the bottom of the frame, there were no edges in the images in this region when they were combined.

Thanks for looking


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Yes it is, apologies for the unorthodox orientation, but I think there are a number of interesting structures in this nebula.

I’ve seen some stunning deep renditions of this region using the HST palette, but looking at it again I’m not sure I have the signal to justify it. I’ll have a go at fully processing the original shades of red version.

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