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Sun in white light from 16.06.2022 C9.25 and Evostar 120mm

Pete Presland

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A day off work and some blue skies early on, tried the C9.25 then switched to the Evostar after.

1st images is with the C9.25, the rest with Evostar 120mm, asi174mm, Lunt wedge.  Great to see so many active regions on show at the same time.









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About local seeing conditions and increased aperture:
The long focal lengths push the magnification to ridiculous figures.

Can you image over any nearby body of water?
Is Gratham Water handy for you?
Access possible to the northern shore with all your kit?

Or can you get some local height over a rural landscape?
Fields with crops are cooler than towns.
Viewing over a grassy, southerly slope might help.

Getting above ground forming thermal currents is the idea.
You'd probably need a battery or PS.

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