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Dawn planets


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I have been planning to catch these for a while but bed was always too comfortable. However this morning I made it having got up at 3.00 am

It was pleasantly mild and Jupiter and the moon were prominent in the lightening sky with Mars and Saturn a bit fainter. So - a look at each in turn:

Jupiter was slightly wavy at the edges but improved as it climbed and the belts became a bit clearer . The moons were nicely arranged with two each side.

Saturn next before it hit the bushes.( My garden has a lot of self inflicted obstacles considering my hobby!) I was surprised at first to see how much the rings had closed since my last observation but the planet still looked splendid as usual with Titan visible despite the light sky.

Mars next - small of course but a polar cap quite prominent.

it was so good to see these old friends again and it all bodes well for later in the year with Mars approaching opposition and them all getting higher and visible at a more friendly time. 

Can’t wait! 

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5 hours ago, happy-kat said:

Looks good for the coming early morning start, 8 planets on offer (including pluto), wow

Plus asteroids Juno and Vesta in Aquarius between Neptune and Saturn and Comet C/2017 K2 PANSTARRS in Ophiuchus near IC 4665 and Cebalrai .   It doesn't get much better than this.



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I managed to get out this morning with the 8” Dob. 
sooo nice to see the planets again. Didn’t try to bag everything just the obvious three.

Jupiter showing a surface shadow from Io. Great weather bands using a 10mm EP barlowed.

Saturn looked great. Cassini division popping in and out. Titan clear out on one side and on the odd occasion three little moons in one area close to the planets rings. Tethys, Dione and Rhea I am guessing.

Left Mars my nemesis to last to try and calm the brightness with a lightening sky. Moments of clarity showing a large dark area around the middle and a distinct whitening at the pole. Four years trying to get a Mars polar ice cap observation and finally managed it.


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On 01/07/2022 at 05:51, Marvin Jenkins said:

I managed to get out this morning with the 8” Dob. 
sooo nice to see the planets again. Didn’t try to bag everything just the obvious three.

Jupiter showing a surface shadow from Io. Great weather bands using a 10mm EP barlowed.

Saturn looked great. Cassini division popping in and out. Titan clear out on one side and on the odd occasion three little moons in one area close to the planets rings. Tethys, Dione and Rhea I am guessing.

Left Mars my nemesis to last to try and calm the brightness with a lightening sky. Moments of clarity showing a large dark area around the middle and a distinct whitening at the pole. Four years trying to get a Mars polar ice cap observation and finally managed it.


I am looking forward to the planets being back in the late evening sky and spending some serious time observing. You must have had decent seeing with 240x on Jupiter. I usually stay around 180x - 200x. Thanks for the report  


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7 hours ago, bosun21 said:

I am looking forward to the planets being back in the late evening sky and spending some serious time observing. You must have had decent seeing with 240x on Jupiter. I usually stay around 180x - 200x. Thanks for the report  


Actually the seeing was poor but the trick I am told with a Dob is to get the object in the edge of the fov and then let it move across the fov and hope you get those moments of clarity somewhere near the middle.

Keep adjusting keep looking and sure enough there will be moments of total clarity that happen right on sweet spot.

I never normally go magnification crazy, but this scope is new to me so I wanted to see how far I could push it. It coped very well considering. You have some good times coming.


Edited by Marvin Jenkins
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  • 1 month later...

Got up at 3.00 again this morning. Seeing was very good despite the preceding warm day. Saturn is now getting low at that time but still pin sharp in the Tak.

Jupiter was good with a double shadow transit and Io heading for a transit. The two shadows were very easy to see - one larger (Ganymede) than the other (Io). Watched Io reach the disc and tracked it as long as it was visible against the slightly darker limb.

Mars was good too and taking high magnification. Polar cap bright and a clear dark band across the planet. 

Great to get out in the warm dawn air and see so much 


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