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First time with a Dob

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Hello everyone, I have been doing Astro for about four years and my initial purchase of a Newt on an EQ when I literally knew nothing, has been a learning curve. 
The curve was steep, I moved up in equipment to an EQ5 and 150pds threw on a camera and surprised myself with the results.

Although I have loved the initial AP assault it has ground to a halt. Mostly work pressure, and the fact that I have to fit AP around my life!!!! When does Astro bend to anyones agenda?

A fellow SGLr has just lent me a 200P SW Classic for the remains of the year. Bear in mind that I have not used a Dob at all. A few small problems, then it all came together despite the horrible sky conditions, milky poor seeing.

I had a high cloud bank to my south so UMA it had to be. Turns out I had 30 minutes till that cloud covered everything. Despite that I found M51 M109 M108 M97 and star hopping  M106.

I wish I had gone for a bigger Dob at the beginning. I don’t want to dissuade any one from AP as I will pursue this in the future, but this is like going back to the beginning, and it is so rewarding.


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It sounds you got your passion back for visual.  I have the 200P and it has been amazing piece of kit. You will love it. I have seen several DSOs without any problems (I have fairly dark skies). Looking forward to your reports.

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Thank you for the replies. I was really taken with how much a relative jump in aperture can make a difference.

More than that I was surprised how I found a Dob to work! It is simplicity itself. I understand some people might find it confusing being a Newtonian, but I was used to that from the 150 Pds.

As I said before I will use my basic AP set up. However, when it capturing pictures I will be doing EP Astronomy.

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3 minutes ago, Marvin Jenkins said:

More than that I was surprised how I found a Dob to work! It is simplicity itself

The "mad monk" John Dobson really hit a home run with the design of his scope- it seems like you "bond" with a dob, feel part of it when observing- at least I do.

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I agree. I should have spent more time observing, but due to a past life in 35mm photography the whole AP thing happened which frankly I do not regret.

Being loaned the Dob has been a thorough grounding in how much I actually enjoy navigating the skies and finding targets. I think I was spoiled early on by having Goto and just pressing the buttons.

The odd thing is that I find a reverse truth. Goto actually showed me where everything is. You have to remember I was on my own without help in the night. I now get the enjoyment of helping friends see distant galaxies which is a joy regardless of equipment choice.


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