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Possibly a bad purchase?

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So I decided that since I can't get out to any dark-sky sites until I get my new car, I would just spend some money instead. So I bought a Meade 6.4mm Plossl EP. Now, I think I regret that. I've tried it out (in the daytime, on a tree branch well down the road that I use as a sort of benchmark...), and the view is REALLY tiny, and you have to press your eye right against it. This, of course, means you shake/move the scope if you want to use it! I have a 10mm, which you very NEARLY have to put your eye on it, but this one you really need to make contact. So I sorta regret it.

However, I also got a Shorty Plus barlow, and it feels so much more quality than the Skywatcher one that came with my scope, so it's not all bad!


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As Roundycat says, look out for EPs with more eye relief. You won't have to get your eye as close to the lens to use them. Me, I struggle with anything less than 15mm

I can't comment on the Celestron 'cos I've never used one but maybe you could ask around here and find out if there's anyone close by who would let you use a few different eyepieces before you buy another one. You've already learnt that some designs of EP suit some and not others!


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It's not really the fault of the eyepiece - all plossls suffer from tight (short) eye relief at shorter focal lengths - it's inherent in the design. I used to use a Meade 3000 5mm eyepiece which was really tight - about 3mm eye relief - it was still a good eyepiece though, I just had to get used to positioning my eye correctly.

For short focal length eyepieces I found the TS Planetary HR series much more comfortable in this respect - their eye relief is a consistent 16mm thoughout the range. Good performers too. You can get them off e.bay for around £50 a throw.


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I have the Meade 4000 6.4mm too. Eye relief is non-existent but it does give nice views of the planets provided they are placed in the centre of the field. Optical quality is not bad at all. You get what you pay for and for 25 quid, I'd say it's a good deal. :)

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I used the 6.4mm last night, and got some lovely views of Saturn. Stuck it on my barlow, and MAY have seen colours on the surface? Or sorta streaky lines? Or maybe I was just imagining it, as the seeing wasn't great.....

But yeah, it's not too bad. Still, think I'll save up for the SPL...


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