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Pentax 800mm 125 SDP thoughts

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I have just joined the forum and have v little experience in all matters astronomy. Many years ago I bought a beautiful Pentax 800mm 125 SDP (with a Losmandy GM8 & tripod). It has been way to big to use and I regret upgrading from a much smaller one that I could take away on holidays etc.

I don't believe these are sold any more but I am wondering if anyone has any idea on the rough value of the scope (perfect condition and with virtually no use) or the whole set up and advice on trying to sell it? I live in Brisbane, Australia.



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Hi John,

Not really sure on value but having previously owned its smaller sibling the 75mm it was one sweet scope. Built like tanks and a very secure and positive focuser.

You may have more luck searching on the web for an Australian Astronomy forum, not sure if one exists though? I did a little poking around and came across a recent discussion regarding your telescope here - https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/805327-pentax-125sdp-150sdp/

Also found an auction on Astromart in the US for a 125sdp scope, some time ago (say 17 years ago 😂) -https://astromart.com/auctions/astronot-auctions/show/pentax-sdp-125-f64-astrograph-1136

Value I guess it’s whatever someone is willing to pay really. The Pentax scopes do have almost ‘a mythical’ quality about them due to their rareness. Are you sure you want to sell? My next step would possibly be trying to contact sellers in Japan or the states as there may be collectors who want these specific make or type of telescopes for their collection.

Good luck whatever you decide, you certainly have a rare scope in your hands.  

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I never looked through one of these, but I have lustedafter one for years. Ian King did let me handle one once when it was for sale at Telescope House in London.

I had the Pentax 75 SDHF and it was wonderful. A couple of chums in Singapore owned the Pentax 105 SDHF and I enjoyed using those. There is a huge following of Pentax in S’pore so that is a potential market too….

Edited by JeremyS
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Thank you Neil, Jeremy and Michael. That is a great help.

Funnily enough Jeremy I think the one you handled is probably the one I have! I bought it in late 2003 from memory.

I will put out some more feelers and really appreciate all the ideas.

Regards, John

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