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PHD2 warning !

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First time i've seen this warning.and it came up a couple of times.

was imaging M81 last night ,very high in the sky and got this message a couple of times from PHD2.   calibration was too far from the equator,recalibration is needed.

This i did twice but it still appeared,i just closed it and carried on .

Heq5 pro mount hyper tuned ,william optics Zenithstar 73 , william optics 50mm guide scope and Zwo 120mm mini guide cam.

polar alignment was done using sharp cap and it said excellent.

seeing was not great due to 90% moon but was out of the way if you know what i mean.

has anyone seen this before or know what it means.

20220413_215852 (Small).jpg

Edited by Cornelius Varley
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Hi @ninjageezer

I had the same a little while ago and posted it here-


I haven't had the chance to try it again since but I believe that on setting up and initiating PHD2, you need to calibrate on an area nearer to the celestial equator first.

I am sure someone will be along soon to clarify.

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44 minutes ago, ninjageezer said:

 calibration was too far from the equator,recalibration is needed


Recalibrate south, near the equator around say, an hour of the meridian. e.g. ~midnight tonight; anywhere in the 'V' on the top bit of Virgo would be good.

Check 're-use calibration' in case you restart during the session.

Now slew to your target.

That's it. 


Edited by alacant
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37 minutes ago, alacant said:


Recalibrate south, near the equator around say, an hour of the meridian. e.g. ~midnight tonight; anywhere in the 'V' on the top bit of Virgo would be good.

Check 're-use calibration' in case you restart during the session.

Now slew to your target.

That's it. 


May be a bit difficult in Virgo area tonight as Moon is quite close to it

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