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Sh2-134 & Sh2-135 in Cepheus


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Maybe the last image for the season.....

Sh2-134 and 135 are rather rarely imaged Ha regions close to the extensively imaged Elephant Trunk Nebula. A very busy area, especially when going deep with the RASA8, with an almost overwhelming number of LDNs and LBNs from Lynds' catalogues.

This is 8.8 hours of HaOiii data (NBZ filter) collected yesterday combined with about 4 hours of RGB data collected back in  january 2021. The NB data makes up ca 70 % of the signal and brought out much more of the faint stuff.

So, a HaOiiiRGB image from my dual-RASA8 and ASI2600MC on a Mesu200. 106 x 5 min with the IDAS NBZ filter (Ha+Oiii) and 47 x 5 min RGB (without filter). Processed in PI and PS including stretching of a starless version (Star Xterminator) before adding back the stars (mainly RGB stars).

Comments and suggestions allways welcome

Cheers & CS, Göran



20220411 Sh2-135 HaOiiiRGB PS15smallSign.jpg

Screenshot 2022-04-12 at 14.43.20.png

Edited by gorann
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So much Ha! Imagine aliens that evolved to have super sensitive vision to this wavelength, the heavens would be permanently cloudy to them.

Enjoy the summer break, how many scopes could you be operating simultaneously when the dual Esprit 150 rig is up and running?

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Thanks Steve!

Yes, the plan for the summer break is for one more obsy with a dual Esprit 150 rig, attached to my Obsy 2 (where I have the Meade ACF 14") with a separate roll-off roof. Great thing is that I will have a Mesu 200 also for the Esprits - bought used from Olly and now with Lucas to get upgraded with a SiTech II controller. So it should work in the same way as my dual RASA rig, which increases the chance that I can run two rigs in one night with out messing up. My 14" is on an EQ8 and I have not fired that up in more than a year so I am a bit rusty on running a rig with a SW hand controller. Since I have the space here at the farm, if I get an idea for a rig, I just build an obsy for it - great excersice and building an obsy with a pier cost less than a 5" refractor. My general idea, if I have one, is to have a freedom of choice for focal length and can chose one rig (or maybe two) in a night.

CS, Göran

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On the image I uploaded to Astrobin, Daniel EricksonI suggested to test the Camera Raw filter in PS. I had never used that filter before (I do not think I had it in my previous version of PS). I like the result: slightly softer and a bit more detail. I will certainly play more with it in the future.

20220411 Sh2-135 HaOiiiRGB PS16smallSign.jpg

Screenshot 2022-04-13 at 10.11.56.png

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