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Guide Issues EQ8R

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Hi Gents,

I am having the same problem, I recently bought a brand new EQ8R Pro and I am having nothing but issues with the Dec axis guidance, I am struggling with the guidance, something I did not expect from a mount in this price range, this is the second mount I have received since I bought it a month ago.

I carried out a guide assist in PHD2 and the dec backlash was horrendous 15850 


My polar alignment was perfect, I used both SharpCap and Nina and my alignment was excellent in both, i followed the instructions given by PHD2 and changed dec guidance, I tried both North and South still did not work, during Guide assistant I could see that the star did not move for at least 36 of the 76 pulses when returning the star to the cross hair,

This problem is consistent, i spent all of last night trying to get this working, I am a little at a loss.


I would love some help if anyone can advise I would be very grateful.


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You say you pa was perfect but in both screen shots PhD says 1.6 arc mins and 2.1 arc mins

I use my mount on auto, and have you got the reverse declination after flip checked, you don't need that if using ascom as it already knows

Balance is key to good guiding

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Yes, PA can never be adjusted to be "perfect", but anything better than 5arcmins is easily guided.


On 10/04/2022 at 13:54, Arizawilliams said:

I could see that the star did not move for at least 36 of the 76 pulses

That and the Backlash result suggest the Dec axis may also have Stiction.

You really should return the mount again, with a copy of the GA result.


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