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Yesterday, I went to see Mike, mikeDnight, to see his recently sourced six inch f10 refractor and heavy duty (possibly H.N.Irving) mount.

From the outside Mike's run-off roof observatory looks like a rather unassuming shed, though with a very smart white laminate finish. It's very smart inside too, with the walls covered in some of Mike's drawings, charts and photographs.  I've been lucky to have observed with Mike many times, and it's always a pleasurable experience.

Mike has had to 'spruce up' both the scope and mount and he has made an excellent  job of it.   The Telescope is an original bespoke build with a lovely heavy gauge tube and lens manufactured by Edmund Scientific in the USA.

The mount is quite a monster, being a two person lift and having a 1.5 inch counterweight shaft, a 10 inch bronze worm wheel and beautifully engraved 8 inch  setting circles.  The supplied drives were no longer serviceable, and Mike intends to source an RA drive at some time.

Overall, the scope and mount are a class act, and I'm looking forward to observe with it some time soon.















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30 minutes ago, JeremyS said:

Now that is one cool dude outside his obsy 👍🏻

You're very perceptive Jeremy. Cool I certainly was, as despite the sunshine, there was a north wind blowing up my kilt, while Paul for the most part was as snug as a bug inside the observatory oggling my mount and scope. :happy2:

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