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Einstein’s Cross with EAA?


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Visually, parachute seen in my 20" (former), and in a 24" Dob Einstein Cross is doable. I suspect therefore that using EAA technique both should be able to be observed.

I always forget to try for these.


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Thanks for the feedback and CN links, clearly there has been some hot discussion about this subject over the years!  

One of these nights I will dust of the C11 and give it / them a go!

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Cloudy Nights February EAA challenge had the Twin Quasar in Ursa Major as one of the objects. It is a gravitationally lensed quasar.  The distance is an amazing 8.7 billion light-years!

The Quasar is highlighted in yellow in the image I took below.

Twin Quasar - 11th February 2022 03:06 UTC

Cropped SharpCap with Deep Sky Annotations.
CPC-800, Altair Astro 294C, SharpCap, CPWI.
10 second x 60 frames, Gain 901, Darks, Flats, Background Subtraction (Blended Offset)


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Great feedback Xio, I will give that one a try!

It never ceases to amaze how such distant objects can be seen with EAA. So the light from that quasar has been travelling for over 60% age of the universe or about twice the age of the Earth!

I'm sure this has been asked before but I wonder what the most distant object is that has been observed with EAA?



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  • 3 months later...

At last I have had a go at trying to see if I could get a image of Einstein's Cross. Earlier in the thread I suggested it could be doable; now I am less certain.

In the early hours, milky way spreading across the sky, mag 5.5 stars easily visible, skies fairly steady - it seemed worthwhile to get up and point the 15" Dob at it.

First shot below is the galaxy PGC 69457 which is doing the lensing of the distant galaxy - the core is too washed out to show any potential bright spots of the cross.

No matter how I fiddle with the settings in Jocular this is the best I can do.


Whilst looking through the individual subs I spotted the one below: with a bit of imagination there is a hint of the cross???!!!! - we see what we wish to see!!!


Below is the same sub processed in photoshop - might there be a hint of the cross? Certainly not going to claim there is.


















Conclusion: the only chance I can think of to pick up Einstein's Cross with my set up would seem to be a very transparent night (mag 5.7 stars easily visible) and rock steady skies. Highly unlikely combination from where I observe.

Interesting to have tried.


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Hi Martin,

The online images I have found are zoomed in shots and show stars I have not picked up. Below is my landscape view - same orientation as the previous posted zoomed in views.



Edited by Mike JW
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