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NGC 3938 Old and New


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Having been convinced that combining data from previous historic sessions is a standard way to achieving better images, here is 14 hrs of integration from this year and last year on NGC 3938, in Ursa Major. All captured with the Esprit 150/ASI 178 dual rig, all data binned 2x2 so running at 0.94 arcsec per pixel. I have settled on 2 minute subs this year but took 3 minute subs last year, combined as follows:

L 88 x 2 mins + 97 x 3 mins, RGB 29 x 2 mins  + 26 x 3mins each channel. Calibrated and stacked in APP, processed in StarTools, AP and GIMP. For some reason  I  orientated the cameras 90 degrees away from their current positions last year so a hefty crop was required.

Apart from some  additional depth and detail that double digit integration times deliver I really like that images in this part of the sky reveal a liberal sprinkling of distant galaxies in the background. The fact that each of those few illuminated pixels is an island universe in it's own right, some no doubt larger than the Milky Way, never fails to impress me.


Edited by tomato
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  • tomato changed the title to NGC 3938 Old and New

Looks great Steve! I see no reason not to put all one got into an image, if it imporves it. I notice you downsampled the posted image a lot, probably to annoy pixel-peepers like me😁

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