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The Skymax 127 visual back is pants...

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... I don't remember the Skymax 102 visual back clamping screws being so bad. A sideways look at my current 127 has the diagonal flopping!

After some research I've come up with the solution below. Those better informed please let me know if this is correct for holding a 1.25" diagonal or is there a better solution? Thanks in advance.

Replacing the existing visual back with the below:


and inserting this:



Ta. 👍

Edited by ScouseSpaceCadet
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Hmmm.  I used the stop Celestron visual back on my 127 Synta Mak for a while before moving to a 2" visual back and don't recall diagonal "flopping" being an issue, whatever you might have meant.  It seemed nice and secure.

Yes, you should be able to make the 2" visual back to 1.25" diagonal approach work if you take @Zermelo's advice above.

You could also just mount a better 1.25" SCT visual back with the Mak to SCT thread adapter such as this or this if you're never going to use a 2" diagonal and eyepieces.

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