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Can anyone give this a quick process?

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Hi all,

Tried to image the Pinwheel galaxy last night without light pollution filter and collected 48 x 3 min subs plus 30 flats, 31 dark flats and 25 bias/offset. Stacked these in DSS with the settings shown but the output has a very bright background and I'm really struggling to process this.

Would any experienced imagers be kind enough to give this a quick process and tell me if the image is useable or not? I think the street lamp by my house is really bad without my light pollution filter...

Example single sub and the stack / master frames attached for inspection if necessary...

Thanks in advance for any help, Pete

stacking parameters.png

Pinwheel DSS output.tif MasterFlat_Gain3.tif MasterDarkFlat_Gain3_0s.tif MasterOffset_Gain3.tif Pinwheel Galaxy_LIGHT_180.00_0039_HFR 2.62_guide RMS 0.60 arc s.fits

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I do not pretend to be a processing expert but a quick look at the stacked image looks promising

Definitely a fair bit of detail ther.

Is there anyway you can upload all the lights, maybe by sharing a dropbox file or similar ?


Edited by teoria_del_big_bang
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18 minutes ago, teoria_del_big_bang said:

I do not pretend to be a processing expert but a quick look at the single sub looks promising

Definitely a fair bit of detail there and this is without any calibration single sub.

But the stacked light looks wrong as if the wrong debayering has been applied. Look at it when you zoom in.

Is there anyway you can upload all the lights, maybe by sharing a dropbox file or similar ?


That's not debayered at all though is it, isn't it a single light frame?

Edited by scotty38
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I am not necessarily saying it is the debayering, but you can zoom in on the single frame and all looks perfectly as you expect, the colour is there and right down to individual pixels it loos fine, but the stacked image when zooming in looks like that chequered pattern, it looks like they are the pixel size but it's back to greyscale.
To be honest it's so long since I processed any colour images I can't remember why you would get that pattern.

Sorry, me doing things in a rush, I got the two images swapped over, yes you are right I was looking at the single image before stacking and thought it was the final stacked colour image.


Edited by teoria_del_big_bang
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2 minutes ago, Peter Reader said:

Thanks for the replies, chaps. Raw files here (when they finish uploading): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13mJ3zgJo75LnBnkSNvxpc_QNNnOVPEMX?usp=sharing

Ignore my first reply, it was me trying to do more than one thing at a time and got mixed up.
But having the light frames might help.


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Noticed that the flats are not good: since I used the same panel and exposure setting as I do when I normally have my light pollution filter on I think the flats are too bright... will try reprocessing without the flats I took...

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