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About time to start 2022 for telescope stuff...


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Last time i was out with my scope properly was in 2021 before i got the cursed virus and had to take a break. Honestly still not feeling as i was before, but its a moonless Saturday clear sky, an extreme rarity, so i will definitely not be missing this one!

Hauling my gear to a bortle 4 location today for those sweet photons, i am frantically checking every bit of gear so that i dont forget some key piece of kit. Im packing 2 of every cable, a pack of every fuse i need, 2 power supplies, tools etc...

First time trying astrophotography with a new mount (the AZ-EQ6) so i am half expecting to spend the time troubleshooting and not getting anything of value done, but that's how it goes with new gear so just gotta get it over with.

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26 minutes ago, banjaxed said:

I hope the skies stay clear for you, good luck.

Hope so too, far too often the forecast does a 180 and the session is cut short. But it is how it is in this hobby.

7 minutes ago, david_taurus83 said:

Get there early and setup before it's fully dark. AZEQ6 is a big lump to be setting up in the dark.

Not just a heavy lump, but an awkwardly shaped heavy lump. I have it in a sports bag on my shoulder and the weight seems manageable enough so its not that bad but since its very slippery outside ill need to be quite careful with that.

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Some high cloud, looks like it passes soon. Even if not, had success already as the kit works well.

Mount works butter smooth. Doesnt notice me walking around it, guides well and had no hiccups in calibration or guiding assistant even though there is a bit of wind here. The EQM35 i previously struggled with would have been a no-go in this slight wind so im glad this works well.

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Night was a success, clouds stayed away after showing themselves for a bit early on. Only reappeared once i started to tear down my kit. Thanks for all the well wishes, no doubt the clouds heard them and didn't dare to interfere this time 😉.

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