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what is this?

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Hi everybody, there's an object in the day sky here. I have stellarium on my phone and it isn't shown. If i look about west by northwest (between 280 to 300deg magnetic bearing), it's maybe 30deg above the horizon at 9am on Feb 22 2022. I live on the island of Luzon in the Philippines. My approximate geographic coorinates in decimal form are 16.701786,120.338195.

You can see it faintly in the attached pic.

Can anybody tell me what this is? Im really curios.


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It would have to be Venus I would think, especially being visible in daylight. Check the position of Venus at 9am on your Stellarium .

The other possibility would be the ISS but that would be moving visibly over the course of a minute or two. 


Edited by Geoff Barnes
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Using the Luminos app and changing location to the Philippines, at 9am on 22 Feb Jupiter was slightly West of your described bearing but it was just above the rising Sun so not sure if it would have been visible. Venus had not risen at that time.


Edited by Hughsie
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It's not Venus, that rises around 4:30 am and it's about overhead at 9am. I really don't think that was Jupiter cuz a few months ago i could watch Jupiter set after the sun but more west by southwest. I'm gonna look for it tomorrow, maybe i can get s better pic

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Now you have me really curious!

I think it was just this past Sunday I saw something similar. 

I couldnt image it with my phone, so I hurried to my observatory to try and get a look through the telescope. 

The sun coming up beat me though, so I couldn't see it.

What I saw was bright enough to show in the morning twilight and almost looked as if there was two objects close together.

I live in Florida USA so it can't be the same thing!

It was too high for Venus.

And it didn't move.

Edited by maw lod qan
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Well it was cloudy yesterday and today it is no longer visible. Yes some kind of stellar flare up is very possible. It was in the vicinity of the handle part of Ursa major. It was brighter than Venus and it wasn't the ISS cuz that's in stellarium and I've seen it before. And yeah when i really stared at it i thought it might be more than one object or not a round object. Oh well, i hope it comes back, it was exciting to see.

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Interesting. The pan handle of the Plough was down at 19 degrees at that time. The only bright star in that direction seems to be Vega, up high.

Venus and Mars were at 56 and 5.0 degrees respectively in the South. Venus still seems most likely and would show as a crescent with some magnification. Could Mars have been the other object? Seems unlikely/impossible to be visible in the daylight.



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