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Ekos - Remote or Local?

Ian McCallum

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I've got KStars and Ekos set up on a RPi 4, but am uncertain of this part of the connection.  I use VNC Viewer on my laptop to control Astroberry, through the VNC Server on the RPi.  All the cameras are connected to the RPi, so do I check the local or remote tab?🤔  This is the confusing part to me, as I'm still very green when it comes to the RPi and the like.  I'm old enough to remember a few command lines from DOS.😂



Edited by Ian McCallum
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The answer is local. If you are starting ekos on the same machine to which your peripherals are connected. In your case, it's the Rpi running the ekos, and ask your peripherals are conn to rpi. 

If for instance, your peripherals were connected to the Rpi, but you were running ekos on windows machine, and not through vnc. Then it would be remote. 

There is a setup wizard in kstars. If you go through it, it will configure everything for you. 




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On 06/02/2022 at 23:27, Realtimedoctor said:

In your case, it's the Rpi running the ekos, and ask your peripherals are conn to rpi. 

You are correct, but its a bit deeper than that. So its referring to the location of INDI server which then looks for local or remote device drivers. So you could potentially have the INDI server running on the RPi but the devices connected to another machine, in which case you would specify the location of the drivers in the Remote text box in Profile editor.

@Ian McCallum if you hover over the the Local or Remote buttons you should see a popup with help.

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