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Recommendation for thin but strong Velcro straps or similar?

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Hi all,

A bit of a random one - but can anyone recommend a thin but strong Velcro strap or similar which can be re-used and can hold the weight of a 4" refractor?

What will it be used for I hear you ask.  Well - in an attempt to making me feel better about scope safety/security when imagine and leaving the scope outside for hours on end - I have been using cable ties which I wrap around the scope tube rings and the saddle adjustment knobs on my mount.  This basically does the same thing as putting a 'safety bolt' into the front of the scope dovetail which i know some use as an alternative method.

Anyhow, I am after Velcro strap or something similar which i can re-use (cable ties are a pain having to cut them off and put new ones on each time i set-up and dismantle each session.  Ideally, the straps need to be approximately 5mm in width and length isnt really an issue but just as an idea the cable ties i use are 370mm but realistically they only really need to be 300mm or there abouts.

Enough of me waffling :)



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