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Plato baader 610nm

neil phillips

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More work on Plato using Baader 610nm longpass 245mm Newtonian EQ5 mount zwo 178mm camera Celestron Omni  2x barlow screwed into the camera lens for 1.5x  Illumination a bit bright for the prominent features well known. But still got some detail out.  More importantly the noise floor kept well under control 

plato done 150.png

Resample 200% registax. then processed down to 25% and 50% So actual size  8 Classical Cassegrain 12th Jan

cassegrain 25%.png 12th jan.png s.png

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz selective.png

Edited by neil phillips
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3 hours ago, chiltonstar said:

Interesting Neil - gives me an idea of the performance of a CC compared with say a Mak. Keep them coming!


Not too many CC images floating around Chris. Hard to tell what its got up its sleeve. I initially looked myself trying to find out if i wanted one. Found about 3 lunar images that suggested maybe ? So took the plunge on a good deal i spotted. Glad i did, its a very powerful and lightweight ( i removed the losmandy and vixen bars ) instrument. Very much a zoom in with clarity type scope. Mak like for sure. The comparison is a valid one. All i can say is i had two meade true 7" ( oversized 8.4  primary ) F15 Maks when they was made in california. They had some of the best optics this side of japan. Truely Meades best.

So far i think i prefer these CCs. Probably the biggest shout out i could say is that. I dont belive the images lie. Though its not without some slight niggles. The large seconday does produce diffraction effects. Though i also found that with the Meade Maks. so. horses for courses. In time lots will be coming. including Venus in UV, jupiter when it returns. Mars too. And lots and lots of lunar images. I would be interested in a MAK CC shootout. My money is on the CC but it wont be night and day. Maks are excellent valid scopes that have there own set of strengths and weaknesses. No question about that. 

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3 hours ago, Franklin said:

Great images as always Neil. Do you think the Red filter is an improvement over the Yellow? It certainly looks very sharp.

Cheers Franklin

I used the yellow 495 longpass on the bresser refractor, and yes for that it is indeed considerably sharper. Infact to my eyes its really working well. On this newtonian i used the red 610 longpass. Though I think i prefer IR 685 it seems to stabilize my local seeing better. The shot itself was critically sampled so that helped. But yes i think i prefer 685nm 

I am finding in the feild. Red and IR  are not a patch on Baader 495 longpass. with the bresser achro. I have examples which prove this. 

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3 hours ago, johninderby said:

Prefer the images with the CC over the newt. 🙂

Dont be hasty John.  I belive the big Newtonian has advantages. Not least of which is resolution and light gathering. 

I know its not lunar but i doubt it could do this, low in the UK 2021 No ADC Saturn. I have lunar examples too. I didnt get the CC To beat this Newtonian. Something i dont belive it can. I got it to compliment it. Many times it will make more sense for me to setup the CC. From that perspective it fills a gap

best saturn  cassini.tif  saturate.png

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12 hours ago, chiltonstar said:

How does the craterlet detail compare?


Its a good question Chris. And tbh. its not something ive tested side by side. I tend to do things naturally rather than scientifically. But i am fairly certain the 10 will pull more out. Over time even this early. I believe i have seen that. Its also physics a good bigun. will always be better than a good smallun to mess with the English language 

Edited by neil phillips
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19 hours ago, neil phillips said:

Its a good question Chris. And tbh. its not something ive tested side by side. I tend to do things naturally rather than scientifically. But i am fairly certain the 10 will pull more out. Over time even this early. I believe i have seen that. Its also physics a good bigun. will always be better than a good smallun to mess with the English language 

Agreed! Unfortunately  size is everything provided the scope is performing properly. I can certainly get more detail than this on the craterlets with my 180 Mak, and 8"SCTs I've played with have done as well.


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2 hours ago, chiltonstar said:

Agreed! Unfortunately  size is everything provided the scope is performing properly. I can certainly get more detail than this on the craterlets with my 180 Mak, and 8"SCTs I've played with have done as well.


I will say if i compare directly. (Dont have direct shadow comparisons yet)  But do have same regions. The CC does remarkably well. For its size, on lunar it gets close, though not as clean. I will stick my neck out and say from my early appraisal. It is one of the best medium size compact lunar and planetary scopes on the market currently. I dont feel the need for any other lightweight stop gap. Between it and the big Newtonian. All my early shots of jupiter when it returns. Are going to be taken with it. 

And i expect stunning results

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