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NGC 7000, IC 5070 - North America & Pelican Nebula - SHO


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NGC 7000, IC 5070 - North America and Pelican Nebula. Complex emission nebula located about 1500 light years away in the constellation of Cygnus. The illuminating star is hidden behind a dark dust cloud (LDN 935) that runs through the middle of the image. The feature known as the Cygnus Wall (bottom left), is a region of ionised Hydrogen and dust which has high levels of star formation.

The last image I produced from this data was a smaller crop showing detail of the Cygnus Wall. I decided to start from scratch and reprocess the entire image including the Pelican Nebula.

Imaged over 3 nights, modified Hubble palette (SHO). Processed with DeepSkyStacker, SiriL, Photoshop and Starnet++.

25 x 360s Ha, 25 x 360s Oiii, 20 x 360s Sii. Total exposure time 7 hours.

William Optics Zenithstar 73 and ZWO ASI294MM Pro.

Thanks for looking!



Edited by Taman
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  • Taman changed the title to NGC 7000, IC 5070 - North America & Pelican Nebula - SHO
1 hour ago, teoria_del_big_bang said:

That's a lovely image Tony, lots of detail but subtle colours which I prefer 🙂 


Thanks Steve! I prefer the "pastel" colours too. It's easy to oversaturate, especially with the reds.


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