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I don't know what the post has brought, lol.

Nigella Bryant

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Well with Christmas day nearly here I don't know what the postie has brought until then. Well, at least from other's anyway (Santa, lol). 

Here's the list.

1. Daystar flat field screen for solar imaging.

2. New PC monitor for the dome.

3. New solar book. 

4. Telescope eyepiece centering adapter.

5. Chocolates.

6. Clear skies for the New Year.

7. 17inch plainwave RC, lol. 

8. Lunt 100mm double stack solar telescope, lol. 

Pushing my luck with the last three, lol. 

Hope I've been nice and not naughty. Although it's a selfish list. I should say a new year without covid, everyone has a home to go to, world peace, hunger eliminated and global warming reversed. 

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Nice list Nigella and how can the last 3 excepting No.6 be unrealistsic or pushing your luck 😉

My list was short this year:
Dear Santa,
Please can we have heating and it's just been granted early, new boiler providing heat.....nice.
Mind you Santa has sent his bill direct to me in error of course, who knew Elves were so expensive?

My final wish of course is that everyone stays safe, has a pleasant Christmas and No Dinners get burnt.
We will see if that happens, but somehow I think it should for most.

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3 hours ago, Alan White said:

Nice list Nigella and how can the last 3 excepting No.6 be unrealistsic or pushing your luck 😉

My list was short this year:
Dear Santa,
Please can we have heating and it's just been granted early, new boiler providing heat.....nice.
Mind you Santa has sent his bill direct to me in error of course, who knew Elves were so expensive?

My final wish of course is that everyone stays safe, has a pleasant Christmas and No Dinners get burnt.
We will see if that happens, but somehow I think it should for most.

I really do think I'd be pushing it with items 7 and 8 Alan unless Santa is really real, lol. 

Lovely to have heat Alan unfortunately hiring Elves to do any job is expensive, lol. 

Yeah, definitely wish for everyone to stay safe and well this Christmas season. 

Edited by Nigella Bryant
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