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Accurate correct illustration of cosmological redshift?

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Hello. First let me apologize if this is the wrong section for this topic. 


I want to get a tattoo that represents and illustrates what cosmological redshift is, and just wanted to check and make sure my custom made image is accurate and correct, and if you would know and recognize what it's supposed to be if you saw it. Thank you!



Layer 1 copy 2 + V copy 5 + V copy 4 + V copy 3 + V copy 2 + V copy + V + Layer 3 + Layer 5 copy 5 + Layer 5 copy 4 + Lay.png

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8 hours ago, Kwantumnaut said:

 make sure my custom made image is accurate and correct, and if you would know and recognize what it's supposed to be if you saw it.

I will stick my neck out and say 99% of folk wouldn't have a clue, me included 🙂

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2 minutes ago, Kwantumnaut said:

I'm guessing that means it's not even remotely accurate or correct then? Lol

As I said, I wouldn't have a clue what it is let alone whether it's accurate.

Now if you work in the Physics department of a University, or you're mates with @vlaiv fill your boots :-):-)

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19 minutes ago, Kwantumnaut said:

I'm guessing that means it's not even remotely accurate or correct then? Lol

It is actually rather decent graphics of what is going on. People not getting it - would be down to their understanding of concept - or how often they encounter it in real life (never for 99.999% of people :D).

Not sure what the bottom line stands for - one with arrows and points (which I believe symbolize photons). That is a bit misleading as it looks like photons or some other particles of mass is speeding up.

It can probably be more useful in gravity scenario rather than red shift.

Top part is accurate as far as red shift goes. It shows galaxy - receding with an arrow - it shows a wave (light) - being stretched as it approaches us - again true if we take into account expanding universe. It shows little dots that can be stand in for photons or maybe stretching space. And it shows telescope tube - apparatus we use to observe said effect.

Not sure about tattoo aspect of the whole thing as I'm not really into ink, so can't tell if it's going to be effective art / statement / whatever, but as far as pictogram goes - top part is ok. I would rethink bottom arrow part - not sure if it fits into this image.

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Looks fine, I'd be more than happy to use that when discussing red shift with students.   Had you thought about including the Red Shift ratio formula?  An alternative graphic may be to show two line spectra (Hydrogen)  , one red shifted - perhaps not as aesthetic though and maybe easily mistaken for a bar code! Anyway I think your design looks good and is certainly an accurate and recognizable interpretation.


P.S  I saw the dots as representing a marker for the wavelength  measurement - I'd just check all of their positions as some do not line up well against the arrows below showing the increase in wavelength.  Not sure if it was your intention but what appears to be your wavelength markers are spaced inconsistently , not sure if you had intended that  or if I am looking at it incorrectly.  Personally I would keep those markers to show one wavelength showing how it stretches as it progresses toward the telescope.  Hope that makes sense.




Edited by saac
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