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C/2021 A1 Comet Leonard from Berkshire 5:48 - 6:35 9 December 2021

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Having stayed up till 3:30 last Thursday night only for it to cloud over just as Comet Leonard cleared the rooftops I fortuitously woke a bit early this morning to find it clear,  so popped out with the binos and spotted it over the roof tops,  quickly opened the observatory and captured 36 mins or so of 30 second R, G and B subs on the Esprit100/ASI1600 and 1 min Lum on the Esprit150/SX46.   Data processed in Pixinsight using Comet alignment process to generate an aligned image of the comet, Starnet to extract the stars from the Star aligned image, Photoshop to remove the cometary blur from the starless star aligned image Pi to put the stars back, then Photoshop to combine the starry background with the comet .  I used the RGB to produce a colour image and the Lum to produce a short animation.  The red star top of frame is Tau01 Serpentis.

Thanks for looking





Edited by Laurin Dave
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Very nice image and movie.  I’ve only used Pixinsight’s comet alignment process once, and thought that was complicated enough with an OSC camera. Folding in LRGB sounds even more complicated. There is something almost magical in seeing the software work though isn't there? 

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