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Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko in Cancer

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Two nights ago I captured the comet in the Cancer. There are significant LP in the eastern part of the sky at my location, but I could not wait longer, because clouds were coming, so the image is not as deep as I wanted it to be. Comet was about 65 mln km away at this image and is currently making a fancy loop at the sky :) 

Imaged with WO Zenithstar II 80ED, Flat3, QHY247C, CEM26. 30x2 minutes.




Edited by drjolo
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Thanks! I forgot about the challenge, but still hope to catch it a little bit better - waiting for optimal conditions :)

It is just a processed stack, I did not align separately on comet and starfield. Then processed a little bit in Pix, and mostly in Photoshop. 


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