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Power to dslr

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On 24/11/2021 at 21:43, dnl said:

For my canons I use dummy batteries and a buck converter to step down from the the 12v of my power pack. 


I did the same for my 400D, but used an old fashioned 7885 linear regulator and a pair of capacitors - Does the same job.... 

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I purchased one of the dummy batteries with USB convertor and for my Nikon, pretty similar to what Dr_Ju_ju linked, and I'm regretting it a bit at the moment because of the USB convertor on it.  There are two different types of USB to convertor protocol with these things, the USB-C PD and the USB-A QC, and having both on the same power supply I've found to the detriment of the pocket that they can butt heads and cause some other issues even if the power supply used may claim to support both protocols, both mine do (one purchased before, one after) just not reliably at the same time; so I'm using the two supplies at present, one for the Astroberry/guide cam (PD), one for the imaging camera (QC), which has added an extra power supply and will cost more in the long run when I've either changed the power to the battery coupler or found a supply that can support both reliably.

If you are planning on running it direct to it's own supply, or using a buck convertor from a 12v rail, then that scenario won't arise, but if you are thinking of a similar route to what I did then whilst it may seem a simple power supply thing, it could cause another layer of frustration on the top.

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