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Irregularities Along Venus Terminator

Epick Crom

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Hi all. I have been observing Venus carefully in the past few months, watching it grow in size from almost full early in the apparition to its current crescent phase. This is my first time observing Venus through a telescope. My question is has anyone observed what appears to be bumps along its terminator? I have seen these recently as Venus has grown in size, especially now in its crescent phase. I cannot find any information about this phenomenon online. I am using a 10 inch dob. Am I seeing something real or is this imaginary like the Ashen light is purported to be? Thanks for your help in advance!



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Venus is pretty low for us in the north at this time of the year, I've only seen it in binoculars recently when it looks like a 'mini Moon'. Try to use filters to reduce the glare and to see if it is some atmospheric effect. I've found a medium to strong red filter helps with Venus.

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On 21/11/2021 at 09:41, Epick Crom said:

Hi all. I have been observing Venus carefully in the past few months, watching it grow in size from almost full early in the apparition to its current crescent phase. This is my first time observing Venus through a telescope. My question is has anyone observed what appears to be bumps along its terminator? I have seen these recently as Venus has grown in size, especially now in its crescent phase. I cannot find any information about this phenomenon online. I am using a 10 inch dob. Am I seeing something real or is this imaginary like the Ashen light is purported to be? Thanks for your help in advance!



Hi Joe,

 Venus does indeed show subtle variations along its terminator. These are often more easily detected as the planet grows in size, and particularly when it displays a crescent phase. Not everyone is able to see it, and those who can will admit it takes careful study, as you yourself stated in your case.  The late great british planetary observer and author Richard Baum proved the existance of the features through experiment many years ago. Richard studied Venus at length and made many beautiful observational sketches.



Below: Richard Baum.


 There have been numerous threads and sketches here on SGL discussing the features seen on Venus cloud tops, but also there have been many sketches posted, which may be something you might like to do a search for.

Edited by mikeDnight
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On 21/11/2021 at 09:41, Epick Crom said:

Hi all. I have been observing Venus carefully in the past few months, watching it grow in size from almost full early in the apparition to its current crescent phase. This is my first time observing Venus through a telescope. My question is has anyone observed what appears to be bumps along its terminator? I have seen these recently as Venus has grown in size, especially now in its crescent phase. I cannot find any information about this phenomenon online. I am using a 10 inch dob. Am I seeing something real or is this imaginary like the Ashen light is purported to be? Thanks for your help in advance!



I haven't been observing Venus so far this apparition,  but I've just done a search of some of my past observations of the planet. Perhapse the sketches below might be of interest. Of course, when it comes to Venus, sketching detail is generally drawn with more intensity than the subtle reality.


Edited by mikeDnight
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2 hours ago, jock1958 said:

Excellent and inspirational sketches @mikeDnight Just been out 5 mins ago but there’s an ominous cloud obscuring the view, last week it was too low to discern any detail. Frustrating hobby this sometimes 😩

Hopefully things will get better as Venus grows in apparent size and gains altitude. ☺

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@Nik271 and @Kon sorry to hear Venus is at a low altitude for you guys up north. Over here it's riding high in the sky. This is my first apparition of Venus that I've followed through a telescope, I must admit Venus is starting to fascinate me! I was reading that Venus will start climbing higher in the northern hemisphere due to the ecliptic shifting, so hopefully you guys will get a good view soon! Venus will be at inferior conjunction in January though..

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