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Hello friends 

I am looking for a telescope for my daughter age 9 including myself for deep sky view 

where we can see easily planets including galaxies 

so please suggest me 

thank you 

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4 hours ago, Mozoo said:

Hello friends 

I am looking for a telescope for my daughter age 9 including myself for deep sky view 

where we can see easily planets including galaxies 

so please suggest me 

thank you 

Hi not sure what choices you have in India stock brands ect. But look into a dobsonian for deepsky 


StellaLyra 6" f/8 Dobsonian | First Light Optics

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try out this handy simulator

Telescope Simulator - Stelvision

Visually galaxies are nothing like the photos we all see examples of all the time. To the first time viewer they can be very underwhelming


That said even small scopes have nice views of some brighter objects . Pleiades and Orion Nebula as 2 good examples. 

But it is best to take a look at what any instrument can do before you purchase it.


In particular try out a typical 3 inch (refractor) view compared to a relatively cheap 6 inch Dobsonian view.

There is a good reason many start out the hobby with a Dobsonian, easy to use and not too big.



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A lot depends on what equipment is available in India, how much you have to spend, how much light pollution you have to contend with , how much storage space you have, where you hope to observe from ...

I'd suggest you contact some amateur astronomers with more local  knowledge, for example






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The best telescope for you and your daughter very much depends on what takes your interest and your budget. The best telescope for deep sky objects (DSOs) is probably not going to be the best for planets. Also consider practicality -- e.g. a largish Dobsonian might be great if you only have to move it a few feet to use it but a small refractor on a relatively light tripod might be best if you've got to put it in a backpack and hike out to somewhere with lower light pollution. It doesn't matter how impressive the specifications are, a telescope is not going to show you the night sky unless you actually use it and many a 'scope lies gathering dust because its owner didn't put practicality before performance. Another factor to consider is whether you're fine with navigating the night sky using using star charts or a planisphere or whether you need a goto mount. Are there any astronomy groups near you that hold 'star parties'? If so, that's probably your best port of call. Astronomers are a friendly bunch in general and happy to talk to the public -- you'll also get to look at and through some telescopes and so better understand the differences. Another source of info is YouTube; searching for "best beginner telescope" returns dozens of videos that will give you an idea of what is available and should help your decision. Sorry for rambling on, but I hope this helps.

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