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BST vs Baader


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Morpheus eyepieces are considered the budget alternatives by Televue and Pentax owners. 😁

The differences will really show up in faster scopes though. In a slow scope such as a Mak or SCT the difference wouldn’t be quite so noticeable. Wider fov and sharper more contrasty image with less edge distortion .

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3 hours ago, YogSothoth said:

what difference would I actually see between the two?

To refocus the thread back to your question, you'll see a 76 (or slightly more) degree apparent field of view (AFOV) in the Morpheus versus a 60 degree AFOV in the BST Starguider.  The usable eye relief of the Baader is about 18mm to 20mm while the BST has only about 12mm.  Thus, if you wear eyeglasses due to astigmatism, you'll see even less than 60 degrees in the BST, but should be able to see all 76+ degrees of the Morpheus.

The Morpheus will probably be sharper out the edge than the BST in faster scopes and may also have better contrast and stray light control preventing ghost images better.

The Morpheus is significantly larger and may pose a problem for binoviewing with a pair as compared to a BST pair.

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7 minutes ago, johninderby said:

In the ZuK

Mprpheous - £188.00

Pentax XW - £249 to £359.00

Sounds like cross importing the Pentax XWs from the US might save some serious money, although I think your prices include VAT which Don's do not.

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On 01/11/2021 at 21:27, Louis D said:

I'm no soothsayer, but I'd guess "go up" over the next 12 months.


On 01/11/2021 at 23:11, Don Pensack said:

Technically, $259 till midnight, then $299.

How right you were in your Soothsaying Louis!

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