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Problems setting up my rig

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My equipment;

Celestron CGX Equatorial 1100 SCT / ZWO ASI183 PRO / ZWO ASI120MM MINI / ZWO M42/M48 OAG

I've installed the driver software the best I can. I've installed ASCOM, Stellarium, CPWI, APT, PHD2, Sharpcap & N.I.N.A.
N.I.N.A is instaleld but I've not yet used it as I want to try and sort out the problems first.

I know the numbers are all wrong, but I am trying to get eevrything working before tweaking the numbers as i've not yet even been able to do a 3 star allignment due to not been able to see any images from the camera's.

This is the image I get from my ZWO ASI120MINI OAG camera;


This I get from my main camera;

I'm also having problems with my ZWO EAF, I am unable to control it as it looks like it's not set up right;

Edited by pooky2483
Pictures not showing properly
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Based on the message it looks like you have installed the 64 bit version of NINA, but the 32 bit version of the ASCOM driver for your ZWO EAF. You need to go back to the ZWO site and install the 64 bit version of the driver.

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3 hours ago, tomato said:

Based on the message it looks like you have installed the 64 bit version of NINA, but the 32 bit version of the ASCOM driver for your ZWO EAF. You need to go back to the ZWO site and install the 64 bit version of the driver.

The problem is, there's only ONE driver software for the EAF. Also, there is only ONE version of ASCOM to download and as most systems are X64, it is 64bit, not 32bit,.

Edited by pooky2483
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Ok so if all of the software is 64 bit, then the  error message isn’t correct. 
I had a similar problem when trying to connect a Hitec Focusmaster to NINA, in the end I used the Generic focuser option from the drop down menu, this worked fine. Maybe give this a try?

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I think the problem may be that I'm connecting my EAF to my 183MC via the USB, thinking that it is also a through port for data. I'm waiting for delivery of a 20m USB repeater cable tonight.
Hopefully, when I connect that to the EAF, everything will be working.

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2 hours ago, Dr_Ju_ju said:

I suspect you will soon be coming back to the forum, querying why the repeater cable isn't working, as most of us have found that they don't work well, especially at 20m lengths (even a lot less)....

Nope, I don't think I will be as it DOES work.

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