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Arps et al (QHY6 pictures)


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just to share some peculiar objects taken with my "guiding camera", the QHY6. No filters used, I'm still trying to deal with a CCD camera.

Best Regards,


ARP 242 - "mice"


Arp 104 - " The Keenan system"


Arp 214 and a bunch of really low mag


Arp 244 - "The Antannae"


Arp 85 - M51








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Thanks for the kind words.

Pictures taken in a small village in Portugal (not in the place where I live. I live in Oporto so lots of LP).

My setup: Tak FS102NSV @ f/6.2 + QHY6 guided with a FS60C + QHY5 via PHD. ATLAS mount.

QHY6 : gain 70%, offset 110% (whatever this means...I need to exploit this parameters and see what changes!)

About those spots: I made lots of flats and it seems that they don't work. The spots are in the CCD sensor not in the optics since even when I rotate the camera the spots are exactly in the same place!!



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Crikey Paulo, those are great. I Love the detail that has come through in the dust lanes especially, really shows the quality of the Taks I think.

On your flats, do the 'dust bunnies' show up as well? If they dont, or if you cleaned the sensor before taking them, they wont remove the spot?

Glad you have had some decent skies, It's been cloudy here for nearly three weeks now.


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I thought that too but they don't! Maybe I need to take flats with other settings but I think I made them right because the histogram give me a mean value of half the maximum.

Sorry to hear that TJ, I mean the nasty clouds. Yes I can see all those spots in my flats and they are in the same place in the light frames so, nebulosity should take care of removing them!!!



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