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Finally some decent clear skies!

Rob Aylen

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  After what has felt like an eternity of overcast skies I was finally able to get the scope out for a few hours last night and use my new 0III filter! Conditions were good for the UK and I was able to see the veil nebula for the first time. The "core" of the dumbell nebula certainly appeared brighter through the filter than it does when viewed unfiltered. So overall I was really pleased with the results and it looks like it will prove to be well worth the investment... in another first for me I was able to see Neptune. A small blue dot but a very distinct disk compared to neighbouring stars. I've tried to capture the green hue from the filter in the two nebula sketches. Overall a great night! 

Clear skies,






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Some lovely sketches and a great report. It goes to show what 10” of aperture + an oiii filter will show.
I failed to locate Neptune last night even with sky safari and star atlas, transparency wasn’t the best from my location but will persevere next chance I get. 

Edited by jock1958
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Great report and lovely sketches. The Veil is my favourite DSO and I have had some amazing views with an OIII filter. Probably my best view was with my 6” Newt last year - almost photographic - still etched in my mind. 

11 hours ago, jock1958 said:

I failed to locate Neptune last night even with sky safari and star atlas,

Yes I found it really tough too, I eventually got there but there were not many field stars to help. 

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44 minutes ago, RobertI said:

Great report and lovely sketches. The Veil is my favourite DSO and I have had some amazing views with an OIII filter. Probably my best view was with my 6” Newt last year - almost photographic - still etched in my mind. 

Yes I found it really tough too, I eventually got there but there were not many field stars to help.             Pretty sure I got it last night, I’ve been using the small triangle of nondescript stars in Aquarius as pointers (page 76 Sky & Telescope atlas) Not very spectacular through my 4” Tak but the blueish tint on its very small disk was plain to see.

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1 hour ago, RobertI said:

Great report and lovely sketches. The Veil is my favourite DSO and I have had some amazing views with an OIII filter. Probably my best view was with my 6” Newt last year - almost photographic - still etched in my mind. 

Yes I found it really tough too, I eventually got there but there were not many field stars to help. 

Pretty sure I got it last night. Using the small triangle of stars in Aquarius as pointers (page 76 in S&T atlas) Its fairly unspectacular through my 4” Tak but the tiny bluish disk was plain to see. 

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21 minutes ago, jock1958 said:
1 hour ago, RobertI said:

Great report and lovely sketches. The Veil is my favourite DSO and I have had some amazing views with an OIII filter. Probably my best view was with my 6” Newt last year - almost photographic - still etched in my mind. 

Yes I found it really tough too, I eventually got there but there were not many field stars to help.             Pretty sure I got it last night, I’ve been using the small triangle of nondescript stars in Aquarius as pointers (page 76 Sky & Telescope atlas) Not very spectacular through my 4” Tak but the blueish tint on its very small disk was plain to see.


Sorry @RobertI got my post mixed up with your post, I need a bigger iPhone 🤣 maybe the Mods @Stu can sort it out? 

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8 hours ago, jock1958 said:
9 hours ago, RobertI said:

Great report and lovely sketches. The Veil is my favourite DSO and I have had some amazing views with an OIII filter. Probably my best view was with my 6” Newt last year - almost photographic - still etched in my mind. 

Yes I found it really tough too, I eventually got there but there were not many field stars to help.             Pretty sure I got it last night, I’ve been using the small triangle of nondescript stars in Aquarius as pointers (page 76 Sky & Telescope atlas) Not very spectacular through my 4” Tak but the blueish tint on its very small disk was plain to see.

Yes it was pretty much the same in my 10inch dob but it's great just to know that you are looking at the last planet in our solar system- quite remarkable really! Also, I would agree that the veil was very impressive, even in the budget 32mm eyepiece I'm currently using, I think its going to sit in amongst my favourite objects from now on. Thank you all for the kind comments ref the sketches as well. At some point I should edit them properly on my PC rather than via my phone though. 

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