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What a Wooper solar 7-9-21


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started out great thismorrning but got caught short by guys turning up to sort my houses electric out, so didnt get one of the ARS but ill try again when there gone.

kit starwave 102, quark, asi 120mc. 

ta for looking clear skys all. charl.







large prom upper oncoming limb.



Edited by xtreemchaos
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Very nice, Charl. It was lovely to see the sun put on a show. We had a fab day here. This great solar activity, then Saturn, Jupiter, M13, the Ring Nebula, Alberio and the Owl Cluster.

Edited by Luke
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thanks Luke, yes agreed a lovely set of ARs mate, me and the misses was also looking at saturn and jupiter on the night very good seeing here in south wales too. i havnt seen the sky since 100% cloud but ive sixty gb of data from sol still to sort so may get a better pic of that double AR. clear skys. charl.

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