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Jupiter and saturn 5th sept

neil phillips

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24 minutes ago, astroman001 said:

Some great images in the thread, well done. No luck here since 3rd Sept. Seeing has been really awful, can't even focus at times.


Know the feeling Peter. Actually tried imaging over a bonfire last night ( a first for me ) Also the last. It was awful. complete waste of time. We have to snatch good ( or even average ) seeing to even bother this year. So was miffed last night lol. The results you have got showing intricate detail the large scope can get Peter. 

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Superb captures Neil, i heard through the twitter grapevine the seeing was pretty decent over the UK that night. You certainly made the most of it, the Saturn in particular is very impressive down at such a low altitude still.  I am very jealous 🙂  🙂  🙂  seriously though your best images for a while.  i think, definitely some data worth storing away somewhere very safe.  

A really fine level of detail on the  Jupiter images, was slightly hazy for you as it was in Bedfordshire that night? Not that the transparency has affected your images at all.

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6 hours ago, Pete Presland said:

Superb captures Neil, i heard through the twitter grapevine the seeing was pretty decent over the UK that night. You certainly made the most of it, the Saturn in particular is very impressive down at such a low altitude still.  I am very jealous 🙂  🙂  🙂  seriously though your best images for a while.  i think, definitely some data worth storing away somewhere very safe.  

A really fine level of detail on the  Jupiter images, was slightly hazy for you as it was in Bedfordshire that night? Not that the transparency has affected your images at all.

Hi Pete This can be variable across the country. Even things like having to shoot over house roofs, or close to house roofs can all impact the conditions some will get around the country. As such i will say yes its the best seeing i had for a while. But there was still a fast moving stream. Here is a short example of the best shot i seemed to get. right at the top of the thread. First jupiter shot.

You will see focus is tight. The scope seeming to do well. However there is still quite a strong fast moving air stream. But lets not forget this is to be expected even under good seeing because of how low the planet is. Saturn was not as stable as i got on the 21st July. 

Better seeing yes, far from perfect though. See what you think. the live capture is quite revealing. Giving you a drivers seat view of what i was seeing.

The only difference is the movement is stabilized. And histogram equalization performed. No frame quality assesment is being done. You are basically seeing the capture as the frame quality would run normally 



Edited by neil phillips
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4 hours ago, neil phillips said:

Hi Pete This can be variable across the country. Even things like having to shoot over house roofs, or close to house roofs can all impact the conditions some will get around the country. As such i will say yes its the best seeing i had for a while. But there was still a fast moving stream. Here is a short example of the best shot i seemed to get. right at the top of the thread. First jupiter shot.

You will see focus is tight. The scope seeming to do well. However there is still quite a strong fast moving air stream. But lets not forget this is to be expected even under good seeing because of how low the planet is. Saturn was not as stable as i got on the 21st July. 

Better seeing yes, far from perfect though. See what you think. the live capture is quite revealing. Giving you a drivers seat view of what i was seeing.

The only difference is the movement is stabilized. And histogram equalization performed. No frame quality assesment is being done. You are basically seeing the capture as the frame quality would run normally 


23_59_47_ulrg_pipp.zip 271.39 MB · 1 download

Thanks for sharing the Capture Video Neil.  Interesting to see the video, the air stream is very apparent watching the video. A good level of detail visible though despite this, but like you said far from perfect. So many variables when it comes to loaction, my biggest problem after the seeing is the blocked view. Very small windows of opportunity available, especially at the point where the planets transit the meridian.

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1 hour ago, Pete Presland said:

Thanks for sharing the Capture Video Neil.  Interesting to see the video, the air stream is very apparent watching the video. A good level of detail visible though despite this, but like you said far from perfect. So many variables when it comes to loaction, my biggest problem after the seeing is the blocked view. Very small windows of opportunity available, especially at the point where the planets transit the meridian.

Know exactly what your saying. Just opposite me is a house roof. Just as the planet is reaching highest point. it goes behind. Often just as the seeing is getting interesting, obviously because its higher elevation. At least next year it will clear the roofs. Though the effects of heat pouring out of them have there own problem. But certainly would prefer to not have to stop. 

Cheers Pete

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