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Dusty Scenes in Cygnus & Cepheus (Propeller & Elephant Trunk Nebulae)


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I have had a growing number of data sets sitting on my laptop, waiting to be processed for quite some time now. Today was the day... I finally started climbing the processing mountain.

First up was the Propeller Nebula in Cygnus, the most recent data set, having been gathered in June this year. It consists of 43 x 1800s Ha and 25 x 300s in each of RGB - total integration time of 27 hours and 45 minutes. Captured with an Esprit 100ED and QSI 683-WSG8, using Astrodon RGB & 5nm Ha filters, all on top of a Mesu-200.




Next up, the Elephant Trunk in Cepheus, which is the oldest data set, gathered last year in July! 48 x 1800s Ha and 47 x 1800s OIII, total of 47.5 hours! I also had some RGB data, but ended up not using it. Quite how I managed to get so much on this, I have no idea! Same kit as above.




Not sure what I think of my processing of these two - all done with AstroPixelProcessor and Photoshop. I'm a bit rusty! It's good to be playing with data again though. More pics from old data to come soon, with not much more data being gathered courtesy of the English Summer weather...

Clear skies to all!

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