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Losing my mind with guiding/PA on Sky Guider Pro

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Hi there,

I'm at my wits end trying to diagnose what I'm doing wrong here.

Mount: Sky guider pro

Guide cam: ASI 120mm / 30m

I constantly having large Delta RMS on DEC up to 10-20rms and I don't understand where I'm making mistakes. I have thought I was PA pretty well through the SGP polar scope (aligning to the PS Align app). I then thought maybe my SGP polar scope isn't aligned, so I followed iOptrons scope re-alignment process and got it nearly damn perfect (I think..).

So after all of this, I learnt how to Polar align in Ekos - and did that last night and getting the alignment spot on according to Ekos. I then go to start guiding and BAM the DEC continues to increase, which I thought says Polar alignment is off?

I haven't changed my settings on Ekos for the guiding, but didn't think this was needed?

My logs are attached for anyone who wants to see the worst guiding in history! haha.

What else should I be considering as an issue causing this?



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Unfortunately your KSTARS GuideLog 23rd July is not compatible with PHD2 Log Viewer.

It loads the text file, it graphically displays the Calibration (after I inserted a space between the Cal and Guide text), but the 3h 45min guide session will not display graphically.

Regarding your Dec drift, try the real PHD2 and a Guide Assistant run of about 4 minutes.

The Guidelog will show the unguided mount performance, Dec drift due to PA error, and any PE in the RA tracking.


Edited by michael8554
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