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Skywatcher StarQuest vs StarTravel

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Hi everyone, hope you're all well! Haven't posted for a while but still keeping an eye on things.

Just been looking at picking up a low cost frac and focusing on the Skywatcher 102mm options. I notice that there are two, called StarQuest and StarTravel. I haven't been able to note any difference between them so wondered if it might just be an updated branding?

Any suggestions greatly appreciated.


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As far as SW achromats go, there are two main lines - StarTravel and EvoStar.

First is for fast wide field scopes - usually around f/5, while second is for slow achromats - usually around F/10 although there are some models that are F/7.5.

StarQuest seems to be type of EQ mount. It is replacement for basic EQ type mounts - like EQ1 and EQ2. StarQuest line has 3 models as far as I can tell - Maksutov 102, ST102 and Newtonian 130mm.

These should be considered beginner type scopes and are probably "light weight" versions of respective scopes - some parts being replaced with plastic and such - to save the weight and make them more stable on lightweight mount like StarQuest.

StarTravel 102mm is the same scope as above StarQuest ST102 - but comes with tube rings and different accessories - depending on which version you choose.

There is AZ3 mounted version - I would personally skip that one. If you really want EQ mount with ST102 - then look for EQ3 bundle.

However, I think that short refractor like ST102 is better served by AZ4/AZ5 type mount (depending on whether you want slow motion controls or not). Slow motion controls are really not needed as you'll keep the magnifications low because of chromatic aberration - up to maybe x100 or so.

ST102 is really wide field instrument and if you want a bit more general type scope that is still light and manageable - maybe check this out:


It is a bit less aperture - 90mm but it has F/7.3 and that will enable you better views of the planets while still keeping scope relatively wide field (x20 vs x15 as lowest magnification with 32mm plossl - it will still fit most of Andromeda galaxy in FOV with that eyepiece)

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If you're hankering for a short, "fast" 102mm f/4.9 achromat, I'd recommend this kit...


You can track objects easily with the equatorial mount, and I believe that it can be converted into an easier-to-use, casual-use alt-azimuth.

In any event, the "StarTravel" variants are backordered for the foreseeable future.

Oh, one more thing...<tweaks right side of dastardly moustache>...

The "StarTravel" 102mm may very well be better constructed than the "StarQuest" variant(more metal, less plastic), but I cannot state that as an absolute, as they are not before me.  If they were, I'd find out quick.  Let's just say I have my doubts.

Edited by Alan64
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11 hours ago, Alan64 said:

You can track objects easily with the equatorial mount, and I believe that it can be converted into an easier-to-use, casual-use alt-azimuth.

AZ-EQ Avant mount certainly can, but I'm not sure about StarQuest, although they do look remarkably similar. I'm sure they reuse a lot of parts between the two.

11 hours ago, Alan64 said:

The "StarTravel" 102mm may very well be better constructed than the "StarQuest" variant(more metal, less plastic), but I cannot state that as an absolute, as they are not before me.  If they were, I'd find out quick.  Let's just say I have my doubts.

I know that 130mm Newton and Maksutov 102 can't be collimated in these cheaper versions - they removed collimation mechanism. Not sure what else was stripped down.

@Chris reviewed couple of these StarQuest scopes - even did some planetary images with ST102 if I'm not mistaken. Maybe he can offer first hand advice on choice of this scope.

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Having owned both variants , i would say that the ST102 is a bit heavier than the starquest 102 , due to more metal . But , as i owned them at different stages i cannot be 100% certain . However the objective is the same , and to my mind the results are the same . Think you will be happy with either . 

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From across the "pond", an analogy...

Orion Telescopes, of California, discontinued its very popular ST80 a few years ago...


...and replaced it with the CT80("C", for more cheaply constructed?)...


Apparently so, as it was not well received, not at all.  It's still available for purchase, however.  Then, recently, Orion re-released its ST80 as a result.

Incidentally, the Meade "Infinity" and "Adventure" ST80s are the exact same telescope, but are now discontinued due to Orion's recent "annexation" of Meade.

But that is not necessarily the case with the "StarTravel" and "StarQuest" ST102s, although they did remind me of the aforementioned.

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Hiya, as you've probably gathered the optical tube is the same so it's all about the mount when choosing. As far as I could tell the mount for the StarQuest range is an updated EQ2. It does has some design improvements over the older EQ2 such as very large easy to find clutches, plus it's easy to place the mount into an Alt Azimuth mode by adjusting the altitude to 90 degrees.

The Startravel 102 comes with various mounts such as the AZ3, AZ Goto and AZ-GTI, so are you considering the AZ3? I would choose the StarQuest over the AZ3 versions, but the AZ-GTI mount gets some cracking reviews so it just depends on if you want Goto or not.  

You can add a motor drive to the StarQuest and I was able to do some very basic imaging by doing this. The motor drive takes 2xAA batteries so they don't last that long but it tracks well enough. 


Edited by Chris
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5 hours ago, mattjanes100 said:

Thanks @Chris.

So no difference in the OTA as far as build quality goes? Will probably go for the EQ3 if not the Goto AZ package.


Yes, OTA wise, the only real difference is the livery. EDIT: Well, if I'm being picky some ST102's come with rings and a Vixen dovetail, where as others have an integrated short Vixen dove dovetail.  

Edited by Chris
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