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T7c driver issue


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Bought the kids a laptop to use for school during lockdown. Decided to now use it as my imaging laptop as it's better than my old one.

I have a T7c that I use as a guide cam but can't get any software to recognise it's there.

Laptop makes sound when I plug it in and it shows up in Device Manager as a ZWO cam but with this error 


"This device cannot start. (Code 10)

Insufficient system resources exist to complete the API."


Have tried different USB ports, uninstalled and re-installed driver. Restarted several times but to no avail.

Just wondered if anybody had come across this before and had an answer?





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I assume you mean this one ?

T7C Telescope Electronic 1.2MP Eyepiece Camera 1: Amazon.co.uk: Electronics

When you uninstall the drivers and software use CCleaner or something similar to remove all traces of the camera's drivers from your computer before reinstalling.

The Amazon listing states that you download the drivers from ZWO optical. The camera might be a clone or made by the same manufacturer as the ZWO cameras and uses the same drivers.

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Yes it is a ZWO clone and does use the ZWO drivers.

I have it working perfectly on my other laptop and it works through a raspberry pi also so I know it's not the camera.

Will try deleting all traces of it and try again as you suggest.



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Don't use registry cleaners in general, they do more harm than good. 

I have the same device and had the same problem. There are a lot of different answers on the web that I spent an afternoon trying and they didn't work. This did. 

Load it onto an older Windows laptop, it will be recognised once you load the drivers. In my case a very up to date W10 laptop would not recognise the camera while the wife's would. Having done that, flash the firmware using the utility from zwo. I chose the 'compatible' firmware which is supposed to work with more client software than the native zwo firmware.

The end result was the camera is reliably recognised on all my W10 desktop and laptops under sharpcap and the asicap tool. 

However firecap still won't load it and I haven't tried it as an ascom camera. 

I also find that longer exposures than 2 seconds just cause most clients to hang. Especially sharpcap. I can get fast video out of it easily enough though, so currently trialling as a solar camera. It does work long exposure with asicap though, even if just not very sensitive. 

Basically, even when you get it working it's not much use as an astronomical camera, in my experience. 

Hope this helps. 


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