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Herschel wedge + which filters?


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I have a 1.25 "herschel wedge and I would like to know what filters to use for visual observation, ND3, Baader Continuun, polarizer,?
should all three be used together? the ND3 with which of them?
plus also an IR / UV filter ..?

The Baader continuum is the same like a green Filter? 
thanks for your clarifications



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8 minutes ago, tico said:

I have a 1.25 "herschel wedge and I would like to know what filters to use for visual observation, ND3, Baader Continuun, polarizer,?
should all three be used together? the ND3 with which of them?
plus also an IR / UV filter ..?

The Baader continuum is the same like a green Filter? 
thanks for your clarifications



First off, and most importantly you always need to have the ND3.0 filter fitted; it is critical to the safety of the Wedge and best if it is permanently fitted so you can’t forget it.

You then need another filter to bring the brightness level down to comfortable levels. I use a Continuum filter which is a narrowband filter centred on 540nm. It is not just an ordinary green filter, the narrower bandpass has much more impact on visibility of granulation and faculae.

You could choose a polarising filter instead, but this just gives you control over the brightness of the image. You can also stack the two which potentially gives the best of both worlds, although I enjoy the brightness and punch of just the ND3.0 and Continuum.

A UV/IR is not really needed, although I’ve just added one in front of my wedge recently, with the sole aim of improving smartphone images I take by removing unfocused IR light. I’ve yet to properly try it in good conditions though.

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Agree with Stu here, I’ve just acquired a Baader continuum filter and have found it works tremendously well. Before this I was using an OIII filter which I found did a decent job too; the continuum filter is better IMO though. Faculae, contrast and umbral detail have all improved for me with the continuum filter.

I tried a polarising filter but it was the least useful of the three filters I’ve mentioned.

I have some cheap colour filters, next chance I get I’ll compare the green filter to the continuum filter.

Lastly, as Stu advised you must ensure the ND3.0 filter is in place before using the wedge.

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12 hours ago, Stu said:


A UV/IR is not really needed, although I’ve just added one in front of my wedge recently, with the sole aim of improving smartphone images I take by removing unfocused IR light. I’ve yet to properly try it in good conditions though.

Looking forward to seeing the results from this!

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