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Trying to set up my AzGti eq mode for imaging-workflow needed

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Forgive my numptyness, I appreciate this topic has been covered a few times but I couldn't find anything specific to my set up. My set up is as follows

AzGti in EQ mode, with sw wedge 

zwo mini guidescope coming in the post

Zwo asi120mc-s 


Canon 600D 

Sw 72ed ds pro 

I've imaged before quite a lot of times in az mode with my dslr so am comfortable with that, just want to guide it in EQ mode for longer subs and image with my dslr. This will be a deepsky setup. 

I would like to know how to set up the guiding with the zwo and capturing of images with my dslr. I've attached a very rough diagram of all my components. I'm a bit stuck where to connect the zwo up to guide, do I connect the st4 cable included from the zwo to my az gti mount or to the laptop via a USB eq mod cable or I know the USB cable from zwo to laptop. Sorry if this is all confusing it's bad enough for me haha. I've downloaded ascom, phd2, windows synscan pro and the ascom drivers, I also have sharpcap Pro to do my pa with. Its just a question of where the guide cable goes. I will try to use apt to capture via my dslr or with my intervalometer. Thank you for getting to the end of my mumblings and any help appreciated. 


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  • AstroNebulee changed the title to Trying to set up my AzGti eq mode for imaging-workflow needed

make up an EQDIR cable, or buy one. This is USB to RJ11 which you can use to connect to the AZGTI. This allows the laptop to directly control the azgti.

Guide camera plugs in to laptop.

And to get fancy, plug the DSLR into the laptop via USB. This will allow your software (e.g. Kstars, EKOS, etc) to plate solve and control your DSLR AND mount, meaning no more need to do any aligning or use synscan at all.

But you can leave that out if you want, and use synscan (pc or mobile) to setup as usual, PA and then control DSLR via intervalometer, etc.

Basically guide ports are a bit rubbish. the protocol they use is very basic. Allowing your mount to be controlled via ascom EQMOD drivers is far better - and all you need is the EQDIR cable.

If yer handy - all you need is a TTL USB cable for about a fiver from ebay, lop off the end, and wire it to the USB (pin outs easily found - there are only 4 pins). If not so handy, buy one for 20 quid.

If you really dont want to do this, then you plug a guide cable (rj11 to rj11) from camera direct to your mount. And the laptop basically communicates through the camera to tell the mount what to do. But you'll get far better functionality and accuracy by doing it the way I've recommended above.


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I connect the azgti via wifi to the laptop with the synscan app for windows. Connect the dslr and guide camera via USB to the laptop.

Install ascom platform, synscan ascom driver, asi camera drivers & ascom drivers, phd2, apt, astap with its databases, configure them in apt's menu and fire away!

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16 minutes ago, powerlord said:

And to get fancy, plug the DSLR into the laptop via USB. This will allow your software (e.g. Kstars, EKOS, etc) to plate solve and control your DSLR AND mount, meaning no more need to do any aligning or use synscan at all.


16 minutes ago, powerlord said:

Basically guide ports are a bit rubbish. the protocol they use is very basic. Allowing your mount to be controlled via ascom EQMOD drivers is far better - and all you need is the EQDIR cable

Hi Stu 

Thank you for your advice. So to recap in my mind I can connect my dslr via USB and use apt, I'm not sure of kstars and ekos just yet. It sounds like kstars and ekos controls imaging and controlling the mount. 

Also is the cable I require for connecting the mount to my laptop for guiding and such. 


Kind regards 


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1 minute ago, R26 oldtimer said:

I connect the azgti via wifi to the laptop with the synscan app for windows. Connect the dslr and guide camera via USB to the laptop.

Install ascom platform, synscan ascom driver, asi camera drivers & ascom drivers, phd2, apt, astap with its databases, configure them in apt's menu and fire away!

Thank you, this seems a simple way, I have a zwo asi120mc-s so do I need the astap, it's all a bit confusing with these different ways of setting up 

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21 minutes ago, R26 oldtimer said:

Astap is used for plate solving and goto++, it's not needed at first but it's the biggest thing after guiding and the invention of the wheel😉

Is that used within apt, as I've just watched a video on YouTube where he's using apt and phd2 and he plate solved a had goto++ in there 


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sure wifi will work, just be aware you will lose internet access from the laptop - assuming it was previously using wifi for internet.

I started that way, but soon moved to a cable that 'just works'. But yeh - give it a try that way first by all means.

Of course, while sounding like a ZWO shill - buy the asiair in classified for 90 quid. bin the laptop. access via tablet or mobile. no need for any farting around with 100 different windows programs. even the first asiair will do everything the laptop does, not setup, no fuss inc plate solving, dslr contol, guiding, dithering the lot. As a numpty to all this - I got mine and on the very first night I was imaging. On the second night I took this - so imho it was the best purchase I've made so far in astro.



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46 minutes ago, powerlord said:

But you can leave that out if you want, and use synscan (pc or mobile) to setup as usual, PA and then control DSLR via intervalometer, etc.

This sounds the simplest of all, but would it guide using this method or is this just cutting out apt, sorry if I'm being thick. 

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4 minutes ago, powerlord said:

sure wifi will work, just be aware you will lose internet access from the laptop - assuming it was previously using wifi for internet.

I started that way, but soon moved to a cable that 'just works'. But yeh - give it a try that way first by all means.

Of course, while sounding like a ZWO shill - buy the asiair in classified for 90 quid. bin the laptop. access via tablet or mobile. no need for any farting around with 100 different windows programs. even the first asiair will do everything the laptop does, not setup, no fuss inc plate solving, dslr contol, guiding, dithering the lot. As a numpty to all this - I got mine and on the very first night I was imaging. On the second night I took this - so imho it was the best purchase I've made so far in astro.



Thank you Stu, I can't afford anymore outlay to but the asiair sadly. I wouldn't be able to access any Internet with my laptop whilst imaging as itl be in a communal area behind my flat out of range of my WiFi, so I could just connect my mount via WiFi I think I'm correct 

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2 minutes ago, AstroNebulee said:

This sounds the simplest of all, but would it guide using this method or is this just cutting out apt, sorry if I'm being thick. 

I was saying no need to wire the DSLR in for  now if you want to simplify - laptop will still do guiding etc. you'll still need all the stuff I said (or do it wifi), but you could leave DSLR control, plate solving, till later. You'd just keep using synscan to do your 2/3 star align, PA, etc.

But just my opinion - and I know there are strong feeling either way here, so you need to decide where you wanna go - but I'd recommend asiair everytime - original 2nd hand for 90 quid. And it just works.

However others will tell you windows and all that software just works, or astroberry just works, etc - each to their own - I can only say what my experience was - I was like you '$%@£@£ I need what now .. kstars does what ? and now I need ekos.. and what is psd2 ? and does that control camera or do I still need sharpcap.. and this APD thing.. and do they talk to  each other and where do I start.. and jeez this is complicated - [removed word] it, I'll get an asiair - 30 mins reading manual, 30 mins watching youtube - first night I'm guiding and dithering for the first time, I'm controlling dslr for first time, I'm plate solving for first time - absolute revelation.


p.s. if ZWO is reading this, I will accept an ASI1600 pro as payment for being your mouthpeice

p.p.s. not really - no connection. just think its a great product.

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6 minutes ago, AstroNebulee said:

Thank you Stu, I can't afford anymore outlay to but the asiair sadly. I wouldn't be able to access any Internet with my laptop whilst imaging as itl be in a communal area behind my flat out of range of my WiFi, so I could just connect my mount via WiFi I think I'm correct 

yup correct.

youve therefore got all you need to start guiding. I can't recommend the best of easiest windows software I'm afraid, because 1. i use asiair, and 2. im a macos user. So I'll leave software choices to others but I suspect all you need is PSD2.


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5 minutes ago, powerlord said:

yup correct.

youve therefore got all you need to start guiding. I can't recommend the best of easiest windows software I'm afraid, because 1. i use asiair, and 2. im a macos user. So I'll leave software choices to others but I suspect all you need is PSD2.


Thank you Stu for confirming, and no problems on your set up as it works for you brilliantly and I'm just stepping into the role of guiding and using a laptop. Astro backyard has a video that he uses apt, phd2 and still uses the hand controller or app to align his mount. So trying to get my head around it all, it's all so confusing, thank you again for your help much appreciated 👍

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The AZGTI does not have an ST4 port so do not try and plug the guide camera ST4 cable into it! That port on the mount is for a hand controller. You will need that Lynx Astro cable above to control via EQMod. APT is probably the easiest software to use and it's the best one for DSLR users. You can practice setting up during the day indoors as well. No need to wait until clear skies. It makes for good practice as well. Yes, Sharpcap for polar aligning this mount is a piece of cake. Have you got a counterweight and M12 threaded bar? You may need 2kg or a longer bar to balance.

If you want to make your like very easy and cut out star alignments and all that nonsense then give platesolving a go.





Edited by david_taurus83
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45 minutes ago, david_taurus83 said:

The AZGTI does not have an ST4 port so do not try and plug the guide camera ST4 cable into it! That port on the mount is for a hand controller. You will need that Lynx Astro cable above to control via EQMod. APT is probably the easiest software to use and it's the best one for DSLR users. You can practice setting up during the day indoors as well. No need to wait until clear skies. It makes for good practice as well. Yes, Sharpcap for polar aligning this mount is a piece of cake. Have you got a counterweight and M12 threaded bar? You may need 2kg or a longer bar to balance.

If you want to make your like very easy and cut out star alignments and all that nonsense then give platesolving a go.





Thank you David for your advice, I'm definitely going to go with apt for my imaging software, do I need the eqmod cable if I'm connecting my mount and laptop via wireless? 

I'm definitely also going to try it out during the day with regards to setting up and using apt. 

I do have the counterweight bar and weight from my star adventurer mount and I bought a M8-m12 adapter for my az gti so all good there. 

I will look at platesolving at some stage as I'm just trying to get the basics all correct before confusing my brain even more, I'm sure if I was younger it'd all be much easier and I'm only very nearly 48 haha.

And then I just load up phd2 once I've centred on mytl target and then guide on a star withing said target, I think that's correct. Then when guiding start my imaging run. 

Or even simpler like myself use sharcap to PA, then star alignment with synscan Windows or app, then find target to image, then do phd2 guiding then take images with dslr and intervalometer, that would work also I think? 

Thank you again for adding to my diagram to make it easier for me 👍

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7 hours ago, powerlord said:

I was saying no need to wire the DSLR in for  now if you want to simplify - laptop will still do guiding etc. you'll still need all the stuff I said (or do it wifi), but you could leave DSLR control, plate solving, till later. You'd just keep using synscan to do your 2/3 star align, PA, etc.

But just my opinion - and I know there are strong feeling either way here, so you need to decide where you wanna go - but I'd recommend asiair everytime - original 2nd hand for 90 quid. And it just works.

However others will tell you windows and all that software just works, or astroberry just works, etc - each to their own - I can only say what my experience was - I was like you '$%@£@£ I need what now .. kstars does what ? and now I need ekos.. and what is psd2 ? and does that control camera or do I still need sharpcap.. and this APD thing.. and do they talk to  each other and where do I start.. and jeez this is complicated - [removed word] it, I'll get an asiair - 30 mins reading manual, 30 mins watching youtube - first night I'm guiding and dithering for the first time, I'm controlling dslr for first time, I'm plate solving for first time - absolute revelation.


p.s. if ZWO is reading this, I will accept an ASI1600 pro as payment for being your mouthpeice

p.p.s. not really - no connection. just think its a great product.

Thank you Stu, really appreciate your advice. Like you say it is all confusing and the ASI does sound amazing as I and you said, I shall continue how I'm going to go for a minute as I have all I need and no more outlay atm. I will write down in my book all the different ways of setting up and then it'll hopefully sink in easier. I hope zwo read your post haha, clear skies. 



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