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HEQ5 Slewing the wrong direction

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I cant seem to do anything right in this hobby!

I sorted my focus issue thanks to the help of many users on this forum. However, i've everything set up here and I went to slew to a star and its going in the wrong direction! I've done some googling myself and most issues seem to be wrong settings entered, but I dont think i have entered anything wrong. I didnt change any settings within ascom or APT since I last used it.

I have mt GPS co ords in ascom and selected Polaris as my north star. In APT my date/time is correct (Yes, even in US format). Im not using a handset controller. Im connected directly from my mount to APT in my laptop. This is what I did the last time I used it too. What am I doing wrong?

The scope is pointing west, when the star I Wanted is east.

Edited by AlanP_
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Has your laptop time been set to Summertime ?

Where did the mount end up when it slewed to the star in the east ?

Try this during the day.

If you point West, is the RA reported in the mount approximately correct for a star located west ?

GoTo a star that is south - is RA correct again ?

Slew to NSW (not quite West), then Goto a star to the East - what happens ?


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Trust me it's the only way we all learn 😜 Your post about back focus was extremely useful and I haven't got as far as apt yet so I will probably stalk you to see how you overcome things. Enjoy.

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