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Amazing prospect

Jiggy 67

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The past two nights have been poor here, with a lot of humidity and high cloud but from tonight (1 April) the prospect looks good, perhaps just a bit windy but I won't complain if it's clear.

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3 clear nights in a row, forecast here. However, I'm getting my first Covid jab tomorrow afternoon, so there's a chance it might knock me for six. So I had better make the most of tonight if it does stay clear.

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My original post is a demonstration of just how poor weather forecasting is. As you can see the forecast was clear from Monday to Saturday (inclusive) it is now Thursday and I have 100% cloud cover (despite 3 out of 4 weather apps Today stating clear all night, including Clear Outside which has got worse since changing their source ). Of all the nights in the original post only one was half decent. I get that they can’t always get it right and I don’t really blame anyone but the above strike rate is poor and increasingly more common in my opinion.....end of rant

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Same here, last night was totally cloudy again despite CO stating 0% cloud cover. I found that the Met Office map is much more reliable at predicting clouds. I still hope to have another look at the Nova before it fades away, supposedly there will be some clear spells this weekend.🤞

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1 hour ago, Nik271 said:

Same here, last night was totally cloudy again despite CO stating 0% cloud cover. I found that the Met Office map is much more reliable at predicting clouds. I still hope to have another look at the Nova before it fades away, supposedly there will be some clear spells this weekend.🤞

Same here. I've had several nights like that recently. A scope went out for a couple of hours each time "just in case" but never got used :rolleyes2:

Hopefully better prospects over the coming few days.

Each time I get a frustrating night or a shortened session I'm reminded of why I've ended up with scope setups that are as quick and easy to deploy and tear down as possible.

If I had complex setups requiring power, alignment etc, etc and extensive carrying to and from an observing site, they simply would not get used :undecided:

French windows, a patio and grab-and-go telescopes have kept me in the practical side of Astronomy I reckon !


Edited by John
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3 hours ago, John said:

If I had complex setups requiring power, alignment etc, etc and extensive carrying to and from an observing site, they simply would not get used :undecided:

I get what you’re saying John. I would be the same but I do have a heavy setup that requires alignment. I get round it by leaving the mount out, almost permanently under a TG cover......makes a massive difference with only a quick check on alignment occasionally. I couldn’t do it any other way with the weather conditions we have.......and my back is not getting any younger 😩

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On 02/04/2021 at 13:34, Jiggy 67 said:

I get what you’re saying John. I would be the same but I do have a heavy setup that requires alignment. I get round it by leaving the mount out, almost permanently under a TG cover......makes a massive difference with only a quick check on alignment occasionally. I couldn’t do it any other way with the weather conditions we have.......and my back is not getting any younger 😩

I do the same, Jiggy, My Az-Eq6 GT lives outside more or less permanently under a TG cover just outside my kitchen. All I have to do is put the scope out and power up. I do align each time though, but it doesn't take long  - I usually do a 1 star in the area I plan to observe that night, or bracket the taget zone with a 2 star if I'm feeling super techie ;). No distance to bring the scope in if the weather turns, although my house does effectively block any views to the west. Still, I'm getting to appreciate the seasonal change in the eastern sky better :).

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8 hours ago, Marki said:

I do the same, Jiggy, My Az-Eq6 GT lives outside more or less permanently under a TG cover just outside my kitchen. All I have to do is put the scope out and power up. I do align each time though, but it doesn't take long  - I usually do a 1 star in the area I plan to observe that night, or bracket the taget zone with a 2 star if I'm feeling super techie ;). No distance to bring the scope in if the weather turns, although my house does effectively block any views to the west. Still, I'm getting to appreciate the seasonal change in the eastern sky better :).

It’s interesting that you Star align every session....have you tried the start from saved position option, I don’t use it every time but when I have I’ve found it to be spot on. I even leave the reflector on the mount (not the frac, cos that’s really light and easy to set up) and I have never had any issues with the weather, no matter how bad it is. So sometimes I can be observing within minutes 

Like John said, if I had to cart everything in and out I wouldn’t bother half as much, I actually didn’t a few years ago when I gave up for that reason. Just leaving everything out was like an epiphany that changed everything 

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