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Let's call it a day on this one!


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So, 6 nights, just over 9hrs of data, many hours going around and around with the processing and we finally have an SHO Rosette Nebula. This project was exhausting and Ive still got alot to learn across the board but for now, considering I only picked up the new camera in February, I'm happy! You can get stuck on those amazing images from very talented people and continue to feel like your getting know where or you can enjoy your own journey. If I'm honest, I still do both but what that does is give you an healthy shove to keep trying to improve.

SW80 ED DS PRO at 480mm (x0.8 reducer), tracked on my old HEQ5 Pro mount.

QHY 9 mono

Baader HA, SII, OIII filters

HA- 4hrs, 20mins Captured over 2 nights of near full moon light

SII - 3hrs Captured over 2 nights, one of which during one of the recent very windy nights.

OIII - 2hrs captured over 3 nights.

All 600 sec subs with Flats, darks and dark flats. Stacked in DSS and processed in PS

The processing took aloooooooong time! It was mainly due to the stars, many just kept coming out orange which I think was due to the hallows over coming the stars to look like orange dots. In the end I did a star less version and pasted back in some stars from a better edit. I was lucky to finally get some SII data but I still need more integration time, for now though I'm leaving this project as it is because I need a brake from it. 

Hope you like it.



Edited by Rustang
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  • Rustang changed the title to Let's call it a day on this one!
3 minutes ago, Adreneline said:

I know I am in the minority but I prefer the starless version - it really allows you to focus on the structure and form of the nebula.

Very nice - I really like the colours.


Nope, I'm the same, its a stunning nebula to see with out the stars :)

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