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Mono stretch but cant stretch!

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I have managed to grab 4hrs of Ha mono data (exciting!) which I have stacked in DSS, lights, darks, flats and dark flats. Ive opened the tiff in PS, mode is 16 bit and grey scale. I went to apply my first stretch and that's why I got stuck. I'm new to mono and assumed I could just stretch the mono Ha image in the same way I do a colour but it would appear not, what am I missing as the curve graph straight off doesnt seem right, its over to the left and when I do stretch it goes patchy! So I'm guessing I'm missing a setting or something which Ive tried googling. So what is the process of stretching a mono Ha image in PS properly!



Edited by Rustang
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Seems ok to stretch if you apply in to a colour channel! (top left is screen reflection)  I was just watching a video for future reference and apparently Photoshop can show blotchy like that but its actually not effecting your image! If you zoom in it appears ok, I would rather know im still processing the monochrome correctly though ans Ive not got the rest of the data to make a colour image yet


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I'm far from expert at this but I do stretch Ha data in photoshop no problem. I always do small stretches tho and repeat, if I do a large stretch it starts to look quite blocky/blotchy straight away. Same with adjusting the levels, so I use small steps. No idea why this happens tho ?

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1 hour ago, Spaced Out said:

I'm far from expert at this but I do stretch Ha data in photoshop no problem. I always do small stretches tho and repeat, if I do a large stretch it starts to look quite blocky/blotchy straight away. Same with adjusting the levels, so I use small steps. No idea why this happens tho ?

Thanks, I seem to have manged to sort it now, I did read that photoshop can apparently look blotchy when zoomed out but then when you zoom in it settles and hasn't actually affect the image so that's interesting. Anyway I managed this out of the data! 😊


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