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Friday Night

Jiggy 67

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I'm sure you're all aware of the full moon at the moment. I went out last night with 100ED refractor and the moon was high in the East and extremely bright. So double stars were the target. I did consider some open clusters but I had tried a couple the night before and even they weren't at their best in the glare of the moon. So doubles it was. I've started just using my zoom ep for doubles, with the occasional Vixen 4mm for closer separations but the zoom saves a lot of ep changes and fov isn't really a consideration for double stars.

I started with HD5005 in Cassiopeia which is actually in the middle of the Pacman Nebula. I obviously couldn't see the nebula, though I did detect a very faint mist in the fov. HD5005 is a double, possibly triple star. Quite a faint star with 8mm zoom (x112 mag) but can be seen as a very tight double. 
Vixen 4mm (x225 mag) shows it faint and blurry with an equally matched white companion very close and a possible 3rd star very faint and equally close forming a tight triangle.

On to HR9094. A beautiful double star.This one is stunning!!
Clearly split at all focal lengths of the zoom. White/orange primary with a half - 3/4 size blue companion close by. Best view at 12mm (x75 mag).
Lovely double!

Next was my only cluster of the night...NGC129. A Large and loose open cluster with a prominent triangle of 3 stars at 24mm (x37 mag)
I suspect there would be a lot more to see if it wasn’t for the full moon

I went on to Taurus and HD37013. A nice evenly matched double star, split at all focal lengths of the zoom. Best at 8mm (x112 mag) which shows a white/orange primary and a slightly smaller pale blue secondary very close to the primary.
Very nice double which is very close to the Crab Nebula, which i could see very faintly whilst in the area.

Wasat in Gemini was my next target. This is my second attempt at this double because i wasn’t happy with the first. It's supposed to be pretty easy to split but I always find it quite difficult. I could only see it as a double at 4mm (x225 mag). Very bright white star with a much dimmer, very faint star, perhaps 1/5 the size of the primary just outside the glare of the primary. Very nice and challenging double which is quite attractive

Iota Cancri in Cancer next. A beautiful double easily split with a wide separation at 24mm (x37 mag). White/yellow primary with a half size lovely blue companion.

On to 38 Lyncis. A Very close double star with 4mm (x225 mag). White star with a lilac companion which is approx half the size of the primary but is very faint and very close, almost touching.

Regulus was very close to the full moon and I couldn’t even see it naked eye due to the glare of the moon. Decided to have a look any way.
Regulas looked amazing in the glare of the moon at 24mm (x37 mag). The star sparkled and shone brightly against an almost white background. No chance of observing any secondary stars as they were washed out by the moon but it was a beautiful sight, the moon actually added to the view.

My last target of the night was 54 Leonis in Leo, a beautiful double star.
Similar to Regulus, this was also caught in the glare of the full moon but not quite as close as Regulus so I was able to split it. At 8mm (x112 mag), a greenish primary with a bluish secondary, approx 1/3 the size of the primary. Both stars shone against the white/grey background glare of the moon
Lovely double star, possibly my favourite of the night.

Overall it was a great night and just goes to show, there is plenty to see despite the moon

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This is a great report - I was out last night on some more obvious doubles so there is food for thought here both in terms of targets and the methodical descriptive language you use in your notes - mine are a bit haphazard so far!

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1 hour ago, SuburbanMak said:

This is a great report - I was out last night on some more obvious doubles so there is food for thought here both in terms of targets and the methodical descriptive language you use in your notes - mine are a bit haphazard so far!

Thanks Mak. My favorite of the night was definitely 54 Leonis. If you get a chance have a look, especially with the full moon’s glare as a back drop...stunning!!

Edited by Jiggy 67
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