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Sorry about yesterday's naff prediction.  This is what happens if you rely on information from a third party and don't check it yourself!

Well, I have checked it out for myself now, and it will be visible tonight - assuming you have some clear sky.

If you follow a line south from Grimaldi for a distance of 3-4 times Grimaldi's length, and then travel 90 degrees to the west limb you'll find it.

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I've let the team down. After a 12 hour day shift I just couldn't face pulling the dew heaters off the big newt and setting up the Mak and it's very dewey here so the Mak wouldn't last half an hour without dew control.

I look forward to the images though. I've looked in the past but never been confident I'd got the right features!

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As you say Paul, it's not easy unless you know what you are looking for.  The best source of information I'm aware of is section 68 of The Cambridge Photographoc Moon Atlas which I used myself.  When I post my report I'll post a copy of the relevant page.

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I have had a go, but as it is very bright opted to use small mak and about X200 with ND filter. Worked well and used Cambridge Photo Atlas as my guide. Found plenty between Schlutter and Eichstadt including Montes Cordillera and Rock and Lacus Autumni. Not sure if that counts as Mare Orientalis, but they are part of the basin. Treated myself to espresso and chocolate for effort!

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Thanks for the "heads up" (again !) on the Mare Orientale Paul 😀

I was not going to observe tonight but your post prompted me to get the Tak 100 out and onto the moon. I'm not sure if I have observed the Mare Orientale before but I have now !

The scale of the thing is quite apparent from the concentric mountain ranges Cordillera and Outer and Inner Rooks. Lacus Autumni is showing nicely and other darker patches - part of the Lacus Veris perhaps ?

I've found this guide on the CN forum useful:


Also the SW Limb charts L5 and L6 in the "21st Century Atlas of the Moon".

Thanks again Paul !

Edited by John
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John, I'm really delighted you've achieved a lunar 1st.  I'm pretty sure I've never seen it so well, mainly because like yourself I probably never had such a good guide as the Cambridge Atlas.

I have the 21st Century Atlas, I'll check it out - and also the link you sent, so thanks for that.

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The Orientale Basin was immediately impactful as soon as I was able to begin observing, which was quite late. It is very distinctive, smooth, polished elongated and then those long mountain walls Cordillera and Rook mountains running parallel to each  other, fabulous to observe. Yes again thanks for the heads up. Also what I believe to perhaps be Drygalski, an older Copernicus twin, revealed in glorious contrast on the limb just due west of south. Quite a spectacle with its central peaks protruding. 'Atlas of the Moon', my Astronomy Now Moon poster and 'Sky & Telescopes Moon Map' each assisted with orientation and comprehension. 8" dob; surface features gained particular clarity at 120X with the 10mm Delos upwards. 

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